ITV: Impeachment Television


I just can’t watch the Rs bullshit. Can’t keep my cool.

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I know it is a little early but am I the only one worried that a simple and direct impeachment narrative is not emerging for the less informed?

If I didn’t know anything about any of this what would my take away be so far? I do not feel like I would be up in arms.

did the Dems, in some extra-procedural gesture of good faith, allow these diseased monkeys to ask questions?

if so lmao

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You’re not wrong. Diplo-speak just isn’t great for landing kill shots.

Also, a lot depends on interpretation using preexisting priors about Trump. If you know he’s a corrupt slimeball who DGAF about systemic corruption the narrative lands way harder than someone who didn’t already have that assessment.

Seems like a lot of people was taking notes of a criminal fucking conspiracy?


I feel the same way. I think that you would have to be crazy to think a fairly dry scandal/crime like this would move the needle for Republican senators or voters which is really who you have to convince to make anything real happen here. Fucking a porn star and committing campaign finance crimes to cover it up and being on tape talking about sexual abusing any woman he wanted didn’t move the needle. LOL at thinking these crusty old career bureaucrats coming to testify basically to what we already know happening suddenly turning the tide here.

Wake me up if and when someone like Bolton decides to appear and lay waste to Trump.

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I want some juicy shit

are there any other witnesses to be interviewed today?

lol this is a bit better

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I’m feeling like Nunn over here. Only been able to watch the last 30 minutes and the GOP has been getting dunked on over and over. They have no defense for any of this and the spin seems weak.


If you missed it be sure to look up EXTREMELY JIM AND INCREDIBLY JORDAN line of questioning tonight when you get home. It’s quite good.

This is still way way better than, “I’m struggling with the term ‘suggest.’”

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Can I use my one time for Gym to go to jail? He’s a stone moron.

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What about the Curb music playing under their questions?

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They should hammer that the GOP put Gym Jordan on there, because he is so good at preventing criminals and perverts from being prosecuted.


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Jim Jordan: “They’re all going to say so and so said such and such to so and so and such we must impeach the president. Actually, we can get more specific.”

Ya don’t say…