It's Worms All the Way Down: The Ivermectin Thread

I’m trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here. So I assume you meant to say that there were in vitro trials done that shows ivermectin may be a useful treatment for covid. Since ivermectin has already passed safety studies for these other deadly and dangerous diseases we can roll right into highly controlled and monitored efficacy trials. Because at no point did the bulk of the medical community say let’s just hand out ivermectin to everyone who has covid because it might do something positive. The only people prescribing ivermectin on a regular basis are people who turned their MD into a grift.


No. Obviously this never happened. All I am saying is that there was a time before we have the evidence that we have now and that reasoning was used by some docs. And at that time, that thought process would not have been that unreasonable. We have more evidence now.

Again, that’s not how it works. It’s time to stop.

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Nah, man. It was a direct response to a categorical statement that you made, that was not, in fact, categorically correct.

I see we’re at the “you can’t prove voter fraud didn’t happen” portion of the proceedings. Fantastic 100 post derail. JFC


I’m going to stop posting about this but I’ll just say that I already posted about a few of the (admittedly thin) more credible trials which got a positive result for ivermectin.

I mean, I want to believe him. I’ve liked his posting for a long time. I’m not sure exactly what’s up with him on this particular subject, but he seems to be really invested in telling a pro-ivermectin story while also hedging behind limited denials about it.

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I don’t know, man. I think he is pretty obviously being truthful about his general position on ivermectin. But I can see how if you think he is lying or might be lying, then the whole thing reads very differently.

Sorry man, the uncertainty isn’t that high. There’s enough uncertainty there that there are still rct going for ivermectin, but the doctors who actually treat covid won’t touch the stuff off label. Do you have any idea how rare it is for doctors to put up with massive amounts patient and family complaints for refusing to prescribe something? That conversation almost always goes down like this, “doc why are we giving this med, it ain’t helping anything?” “Well the patient really thinks it will help, and it most likely isn’t going to hurt.”

There are families threatening to transfer their loved ones to another state just to get their precious ivermectin, and the Intensivists, hospitalist, and infectious disease docs uniformly refuse to even consider prescribing it. So the smartest people I work with who literally specialize in weighing the cost/benefit of prescribing drugs are all saying fuck no. I’m going to go with their expertise on this one.


Ay yo, can we get a separate thread for the dewormer stuff?


You think his cousin Pinky owns Ivermectin Inc.?

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It would only be like that if everyone on both sides agreed that voter fraud was super rare and that voter id laws are a bad idea. If you can imagine everyone in the argument agreeing on those two points, then that is pretty much where we are at right now.

Oh, yeah, that’s totally what I’m accusing him of when I say

2nd. Let’s give this thread something that deworms it.


A couple studies is not the body of evidence. Are they reputable studies? sure. Are they evidence of efficacy? Nope. We don’t turn down cheap and effective treatments, we turn down treatments that don’t work.

It’s hard for me to imagine what motivations you’ve conjured up to reject that it’s his honest belief, so instead of being coy, how about just telling us exactly what it is you think he’s doing?

It’s a pretty central issue wrt the COVID discussion in the US. Also it looks like it’s wrapping up (I think). I say, hang on for a day. It will be a pain in the ass for a mod to excise all of this shit.

Nah, man. The point is that the people who support the use of ivermectin are unambiguously bad and anyone who expresses ideas that are ivermectin-adjacent are inherently suspect.

This is a welcome distraction to actually thinking about how fucked we are with covid. And I do think it’ll wind down here soon.