It's the little things in life that make you smile in dark times (Steve Bannon arrested for boater fraud)

Seinfeld did a whole episode on this come on Clovis


Haven’t you seen Wilfred Brimley on Seinfeld?

Yikes, look I used the Pony Express, that is an actual Pony from the old west thats been dead 160ish years.


Yep! “Steve is trying to BUILD THE WALL and the DEEP STATE won’t let him!!!”

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Brimley (RIP in peace) was actually the poastmaster general in that episode :v:

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Exactly. They got what they paid for which is triggered libs. Steve bannon buying a boat and shoving it in antifa’s face (or whatever) is exactly the type of thing they want their money spent on. Compare that to some poor college student donating to biden in the hopes of a better future and getting fuck all. It seems insane for one to be a crime and the other not.


Probably the difference is that the Lincoln Project guys openly told everyone they’d be paying themselves outrageous salaries and the donors were either too dumb or in on the grift in some way.

Does Shilling still have his radio show?

And again anything that puts steve bannon 1 inch closer to a jail cell is a huge positive even if it makes zero sense.

Cool. The punishment for actually building the wall should be worse though.


It’s true. This was Bannon so we’re all laughing, but on balance, a random grifter out there who takes money from deplorables to build a wall and instead spends the money on corvettes and facials is a net positive on society. We should be encouraging that behavior.


You gotta grift correctly. Like Creflo Dollar (televangelist/mega church pastor) who raised money for a $65M Gulfstream.

Step 1: Start a church
Step 2: Raise money
Step 3: Buy whatever you want

Bannon skipped step 1. This what happens when you don’t lead a christ-centered life. We need prayer back in schools now!


I’ve only ever seen maybe 1/3 of Seinfeld episodes! (Ducks for cover!)

so thats why you are the way you are


From personal experience, I’m not at all a fan of hospital cops. Or cops in general. But especially hospital cops, whose main duties are harassing the homeless, people who put their feet on furniture, or are tired and sleepy.

Are you guys sure you’re not confusing police officers with security guards? I’m unaware of any hospitals that have sworn police officers. Is that like a southern thing or something?

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Reminder that this US Attorney was the one Barr was stuck with when the one he fired for not covering for Trump threw a fit on the way out.

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Weird. Are they state-owned hospitals?


Not really confusion on my part. I group them together. I saw plenty of police officers in the hospital. Police bringing in a woman with chains on hands and feet. Police officers guarding rooms in the ICU holding shooting victims. Police officers packing the surgical waiting room when one of their own got shot. Police officers called in when a someone sitting in a wheelchair at the entrance is screaming out in pain or distress.

Dude in a uniform who may or may not have a gun hassling me because I fall asleep because I’ve been there all night doesn’t feel less threatening because he works for the hospital.