It's the little things in life that make you smile in dark times (Steve Bannon arrested for boater fraud)

You don’t quite have this nailed but this joke has potential.

So I guess Mexico still hasn’t paid for the wall huh

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Charities and NFP’s have all kinds of disclosure requirements on how they’re spending funds. It sounds like they lied in those disclosures, etc.

He got nabbed by the Post Office Police? Are you kidding me? That sounds like something from a 321 Contact sketch.


Nah, the postal inspector is a legit law enforcement agency. You’d be amazed how many large quantities of narcotics move through the US mail.


Ya I had no idea they have cops.

This makes sense. I just assumed they passed all that off to real cops.


Steve! This is Vogue magazine! We want you to come in for a feature on fashion trends, we think wearing a shirt over another shirt is going to the hobo-chic look for 2021!


So if instead they’d started the “own the libs by buying steve bannon a boat” superpac, got the same donations and spent it on the same things they’d be fine?

Uhhhh… seems like the bank might get in trouble here? Tipping off the scammers about an investigation seems like it might be some kind of crime.

I mean, the charity would likely be shut down, sued by an AG, etc for violating civil rules related to how charities are supposed to operate, but they probably wouldn’t be looking at indictments.

Sheriff Clarke shot whilst resisting would go great with my rice krispies


This difference here is they stated in very clear unambiguous terms that no one involved with the Build The Wall organization would take a dime and that 100% of the proceeds would be going directly to the construction of the border wall.



Man, it seems you can’t trust anyone who says they’re not going to take a salary.


In b4 Barr drops the charges

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This should be a valid defense in cases like this. Morons who are told that “100% of the funds will go to xxx” and believe it and give their money anyway deserve everything that comes after

Yeah, it’s not what they did, it’s that they lied about it.

Out here shaming postal cops :)

What’s hilarious about this is that the people who were defrauded (idiot racist fucks who want THE WALL) are going to be super pissed that he was arrested.