It’s 2020. Why are you still eating meat?

You saying it’s not like vegemite or it’s not inedible. Or both.

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That Australian shit tastes like ass, marmite is the n̶e̶c̶t̶a̶r̶ ambrosia of the gods.

If I want some weirdo foreigner spread I’ll stick with Nutella.


You are no longer welcome down here

eta apologies for the mrs comment, I think I had you confused with clovis (joking obv).

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Back to eating less meat. How long before lab grown meat becomes cheaper than the real thing?

I suspect pretty quick. Within a decade? I have to say impossible meat is impressively close to hamburger. Like 95% there.


Went vegetarian about two months ago, not for carbon, but just cuz I felt bad having intelligent animals killed on my behalf. It’s pretty much fine, even without cooking. I have never felt a craving. I would encourage everyone to try it for a week, because you may find like me that there’s no big up side to going back to meat.


Only thing I would really miss is chicken wings.

I also suspect that dairy would be infinite harder for me to cut completely.

Posting to sub and invite ridicule for eating meat with pretty much every meal of my life. I didn’t even eat salads until I was in my early 20s, and haven’t gotten over my childish dislike of most vegetables and mushrooms.

My wife is pretty much vegan (mostly health reasons). I need to shame her into shaming me into cutting out meat.

To troll PETA.

Not surprising.

I don’t not eat meat

I don’t eat meat. I’d be a vegan but I still eat eggs. The eggs I eat are as humanely procured as possible, either from farmers markets or pastured from the grocery store.

Full disclosure: I’ve eaten fish a few times since the pandemic started. It hasn’t been as easy to source my typical primary meal (salad) ingredients and I’m really fucking sick of brown rice + some random protein source.


This thread made me realize i’ve been eating way more meat products since moving. I’ll attempt to cut my diet to twice a week at first and continue from there.


We can agree that Marmite and Vegemite taste very different to each other. Religious wars aside, I’ve often wondered why Australians and Brits are so devoted to their version of this. You could just chalk it up to upbringing, but there are some odd features. People are brought up trying things like anchovies and olives, but many people don’t like them, while it’s rare to find an Australian who doesn’t like Vegemite. Also, I was brought up eating certain kinds of chocolate, but when I became an adult, I developed my own opinions on which variation is best (milk chocolate is slop). Rarer than Australians who don’t like Vegemite are ones who decide Marmite is better. If they exist, I’ve never met one. Most Australians have a slight revulsion towards Marmite and the same is true of the British towards Vegemite; it’s a petite version of the revulsion everyone else feels towards both.

My theory is that, Vegemite/Marmite being rich sources of vitamin B, this for whatever reason causes a drug-like association in the brain. In fact, the only thing I can compare the attitude of people to these spreads with (i.e. taking them on holiday, pining for them when they aren’t there) is coffee, another acquired taste which does establish that relationship via a drug effect.


Bullshit. This is by far the weakest argument for not eating meat. Torturing animals and burning the planet are very good arguments.

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@Problem Poster’s Thread

I think it’s the same? Not sure. Edit: Google says they’re different, but the difference will be a lot less than Vegemite vs Marmite, so it might be an acceptable substitute.

There are some pretty well-established lowered disease risks from eating mostly plants. Whether they are overall “healthier” is up for debate. You would need to start by defining that word. It’s also not relevant whether you eat little meat or no meat, but I think saying that on average people in Western countries would benefit from eating less meat is fairly uncontroversial.

I developed a taste for Vegemite after being in Australia for a semester, although I haven’t sought it out since I left. It’s fine on toast with butter.

My wife and I have been trying to eat less meat, especially red meat, although I think we’ve backslid some during the pandemic. I used to use a fair bit of ground meat but now I almost exclusively use Trader Joe’s beefless ground and highly recommend it - it’s $3 for 12 oz and ends up tasting better than ground beef with a nicer texture in chilis and tacos or whatever you want to use it for. It was scarce for a while but when I went today they were fully stocked so I bought some to throw in my freezer.

Also since no one mentioned it, Budget Bytes is a good source for inexpensive vegetarian recipes (it’s not exclusively vegetarian though): Vegetarian shepherd’s pie is one of my favorites (I often use the meatless ground instead of lentils because I’m lazy).