Is the economy good or bad, and what is the economy, and how much should a person care about it

And 3 days of tiktok fame


Hes also shopping at fucking Target. That stuff is not as expensive at Walmart or the local grocery store. The cereal was $5.29 (a family size, good for about 6-10 bowls) and the milk was $3.50. Beyond reasonable. You cant throw in a 20 dollar bottle of detergent that will last months and say “Look how much my weekly groceries are!!!”

Last week I found 12-packs of pop for $4 each. of course, you had to buy 4, but that’s still not bad and we have guests for the holidays, so we went through them quickly.

I really think people just have no idea how to shop correctly…I have visions of these people going down the grocery aisles sweeping stuff into their carts without looking like they’re in one of those 1-minute shopping spree competitions.

4 toothbrushes for 2 yrs?

I’m mostly electric now, but even when I was all manual, I couldn’t make them last that long. One lasts about 2-3 months for me with twice daily brushing.


We can critique that man’s shopping skills but I think the main point is still true that the cost of goods in terms of hours worked for min wage or even twice minimum wage is not a good look and he’s not wrong that people have to make tough choices, whether or not his shopping trip looks like dumb bachelor shopping.

P.S. the Eos detergent gets an lol from me there but buying a 4 pack of toothbrushes and a 2 pack of deodorant is usually cheaper per item than just buying a single and maybe there’s other people in the household that also need a toothbrush.

Yeah, chocolate 75% off after halloween/christmas is quite the saving hack.

I think the thesis of “poor people are struggling more now than 10 years ago” is correct, even if the specific evidence used was not the best.


Mine would last closer to a year. But I probably use them too long.

People who struggle with facts love this approach. “I was directionally correct, you’re just nitpicking facts/statistics/quotes/whatever”.

When I encounter it, I just tell them to come back with better support for the claim and we’ll resume the discussion. They rarely come back.

This is a totally insane thing to say. Unemployment was 7% in 2013!


Labor force participation rate is essentially the same in 2023 to 2013. Purchasing power is worse now.

Totally insane! More than 100% of the increase in people not in the labor force between 2023 and 2013 is accounted for by people who are over 55 and don’t want a job. In other words, people who retired. (2023 data - 60M people in that category out of a total of 100M; 2023 data - 48M out of 90M). More people wanted a job but were out of the labor force in 2013 (6.4M) than today (5M). Real after-tax income for the bottom quartile has increased a stunning 60% in the last decade. Real median income is up more than 20%!

Totally bonkers stuff, just detached from reality. The sane argument about things getting worse is between immediately pre-pandemic and today. Saying 2013 was better economically is indefensible.


Quik Trip has taquitos, egg rolls and such. Last time I looked was like six or seven years ago and they were like $1.25 or 2 for $2. Today I noticed they are $2 or 2 for $3.50. Thanks Biden.

Where I notice food inflation the most is with beer and restaurant/take-out food. It feels like it wasn’t that long ago where one could get a 16-in pizza for under $10 and a six-pack of decent beer at the supermarket for under $8.

What’s the purchasing power metric that you are referencing?

The ramp up begins.

What was it that convinced you that purchasing power is worse now?

He’s been permabanned, so you’re not going to get a response.

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It is amazing people still use the stock market as an indication that things a good for poor people.

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