Is the economy good or bad, and what is the economy, and how much should a person care about it

A lot of people blame Democrats for COVID stuff. They also correctly believe that who the President is matters a lot for decisions that sub cabinet officials make and that Biden being President means Democrats will make those decisions.

For the most part, when I see this (which is not often, I live in Canada and I’m not chronically online) as it relates to COVID people “blame” the Dems for, you know, believing in science and public health measures, aka reality.

That’s all fair, but this is much more nuances than the median American thinks about this stuff.

People are fucking morons. I remember recently someone posted an article describing a woman who blamed abortion restrictions on Biden because he was President when it happened.

Good luck getting people to figure out who is responsible for what when it comes to the economy. In that case, it is 99.9% feels.

This is probably a clearer way of describing things. One of the characteristics of moronic behavior is craving a simple explanation for complex phenomenon. “It’s bad because the President is a bad President” is one example of this.


Will is absolutely correct regarding the economy, has been crushing twitter lately in general, and has excellent takes on other topics as well.


USA #1 elected Trump because Hillary felt icky. Obama was a cool dude so he got elected. Elections are 100% popularity contests based largely on feels. Reason and reality don’t matter much. Too many Dems haven’t figured this out yet. Meanwhile the MAGA cult is all in on it. To your average person the Dems are a bunch of Karens while the GOP flies fuck your feelings flags, fucks porn stars and does crimes with a fuck you attitude. The latter is somehow far more attractive to people it seems.

A million think pieces are being written on whether they economy is good or not and yet that doesn’t really matter at all.

If you really think Biden is winning this you can get pretty much unlimited money down at +200 on him.

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Where? Polymarket?

If so there are other risks involved. You’re kind of betting on more than just whether or not he will lose.

Bovada has it at that right now.

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lol that Kennedy line.

Like do we really think these guys are just out there calling balls and strikes? Or are they part of the “dig a hole then sell the comeback” hype machine?

I’m not really stating all this well, but here are my disjointed thoughts:

I think there’s a science behind when you want to get people riled up for an election. You don’t want to shoot your wad too soon.

I also think that it’s human nature to think that if things aren’t improving, they’re getting worse. So in addition to timing, you want your candidate to be tending upward at the right time.

And finally I think the narrative becomes the reality in politics. Sell the comeback to create the comeback.

If I’m right, look for breathless “Biden surge! Who could have seen this coming?” polls in late summer.

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This is mostly true, but I don’t think Obama won because he was a “cool dude”. Any Democrat running would have won in 2008, even the lame ones that ran like Chris Dodd. Bush’s approval rating was in the 20s. People were DONE with Republicans. Democrats gained 8 senate seats that election.

Pretty good video on the topic

In the primary I think he beat Hillary because he was the cool one and she was not. You are probably right in the general. McCain/Palin was a WOAT ticket.

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The real problem is that there’s a lot of anti-establishment feeling out there and the Democratic establishment has a hard time appeal to those people even though an eDem is superior to the best Republican.

When you give people a choice between incrementalism and mashing buttons randomly to try and force non-incremental change, a lot of people want the latter. It’s only going to get worse in a culture of FOMO and instant gratification.

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Biden is also a cool guy


lol no

Got your pulse on the average person, yeah?

Apparently this has gone viral

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He bought like a four pack of toothbrushes and a two pack of deodorant. If you’re just buying whatever you want without looking for good prices, you’re doing it wrong.

lol I looked at that stuff and was like eh 50 bucks before he even showed it lol, hardly an oh wow

Yeah he’s got two years worth of toothbrushes, 6 months worth of laundry detergent and 4 months worth of deodorant.