Is the economy good or bad, and what is the economy, and how much should a person care about it

We may not be able to learn anything from early 1900s america, but I hear the French had a lot of good ideas when it came to income inequality


The interesting thing about recession is while we arent in it yet, it sure seems like we are headed that way. The massive tech layoffs seem to be more about preparing for a recession and not all attributable to automation (they can work in tandem obviously, but the hedgeing against future recession does seem to be a driver.)

I work in an industry that focuses on commercial and housing builds, and our forecaster is estimating a pretty large drop off in thr economy in Q4 or Q1 based on current building permit applications comparitively over a ten year sample.

I’m skeptical of all of this type of forecasting at this point in time.

I think we’ve seen that the past 4 years have been so weird compared to every other economic time in history that I don’t think our normal indicators are a reliable forecasting of future economic conditions.

Wages have gone up more than prices. What are you even talking about?

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To me it feels like the tech layoffs are more about the ridiculous hiring practices and attempted growth in the early Covid times.

It seems like we’ve been headed for a recession for 3 years now. Go back and read the stonks thread from two years ago. Collapse was imminent.

As soon as no one thinks we’re headed for a recession, then I’ll be terrified.

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Recession is inevitable.

I don’t know how to message the nuanced point that the US managed inflation and the other covid aftermaths much better than peers (of course with a larger and more diversified economic base a as built-in advantage). Still think Biden doing a very good job of it.

Things like infrastructure and on-shoring physical production will pay off long term.

Prices of what?


Quantgamble and Ike’s teaming up to bring heat in this thread



Yeah but my friend’s rent is high.

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And we should follow what Austin did to combat increased rent:

Build more, upzone, more density.

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I love that this guy is talking about it as if it’s a bad thing

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It’s nice to see that in the comments he is getting roasted for that.

Ha, good. In Elon’s infinite wisdom he took away the ability for non Twitter users to see comments so I can never tell

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Guy has a funny defintion of “keeps getting worse”

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Problem is that this type of thinking is pretty common, and maybe even a majority of voters think exactly like that.

I don’t actually use twitter either, but somehow I’m able to see them. Maybe I got logged in with my google account or something like that.

The economy is just so bad. That must be why the airports are packed. People are trying to escape from this terrible economy. Maybe that’s why the roads are packed. Just taking long drives to get their minds off this terrible economy. And stores and restaurants too. One last fling before we all die from this horrible economy. It’s just so bad.

The problem is there isnt “an economy” there are many economies. Some of them are pretty shitty right now.

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