Is it a good or bad idea to let a 15 year old visit her mo Who will be in jail for six months?

Thought I’d ask here to get a variety of opinions

The charge is a check fraud charge and it is a six month sentence. My daughter she seems to be handling it fine. I told her right away about it and she reacted pretty calmly. I told her mom did the wrong thing and is rightfully serving her punishment. They have a good relationship. The main problem I have is she will see her mom in a jail jumpsuit and see guards and other inmates that could be intimidating. Is that ok for a 15 year old to see? Actually my daughter does not seem scared but instead seems excited and enthusiastic to visit. This is strange to me. Do you find this normal? My daughter seems to find the idea of her mom having to wearing a uniform, sharing a room funny. I wonder why she would think it is funny. My wife says bring her if she would like to and my daughter says she would like to but I don’t know if it is a good idea. She hasn’t gone yet so we can still discuss it together

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Tell her to watch some Orange Is the New Black before talking.

I think it’s completely impossible to predict the goodness or badness of this idea, but the above is your answer imo.


If I was a fifteen year old who craved new experiences I would probably be excited. At first blush I don’t think it would harm her to visit her mom under these circumstances. Might even serve as an impactful lesson.

My gut says 15 is old enough to go if she wants to. At the same time, make it clear that she can also change her mind down the road and stop/pause the visits if she ever feels uncomfortable with the experience and that you are available to help her work through feelings as they arise.

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This. Plus he says they have a good relationship. Unless the mother was a danger in some way (gonna try to manipulate her to do something that could get her in trouble), or there was something especially fragile about the kid, I wouldn’t even consider it my decision. I might have some advice, but I’d leave it up to them.