Is a Message of Class Warfare a Good Idea for Democrats

In the USA, probably, but there are parts of the world where people are highly connected to their political and cultural history, thanks to education.

Your politics of hate can only end up in one place.


US cultural dominance beating that down in Europe and Australia with depressing urgency.

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Businesses arenā€™t capitalist, economic systems are. Itā€™s like your asking me if a combustion engine is a car.

Thatā€™s the point we are debating something and donā€™t agree on the definition of the thing. A few want to restrict the definition to only those things they want excised from the system. That seems convenient.

I answered your question in good faith. Individual businesss are not capitalist in the sense people are discussing itt. We are talking about systems.

Sure banks etc can operate in a capitalist system but they also operate in non capitalist systems.

Whether or not banks can operate in a capitalist system is an interesting question.

Is this not capitalism or is it state-capitalism?

(unfortunately defeated in LAā€¦

Popped up on my YouTube just now - interesting.

Please review post #95 where I began the dissection of your definition of capitalism, after you had agreed with micro that markets and a lack of central planning are not unique to capitalism.

Once we have excised the component parts of your definition that are not unique to capitalism, we are left with the parts that deal with economic rent extraction. My focus is on those aspects of capitalism because that is where the class war is being prosecuted. If we want the class war to end, then weā€™ll have to excise the parts of the system that create and perpetuate the classes and therefore the war itself.

To tack on to a question that fidget asked you. When you hear people advocate to ā€œEnd Capitalismā€, what is it that you think they are advocating an end to?

I mean, surely, you donā€™t think that they are meaning ending trade, or ending production of things, that would be kind of nonsensical for them to advocate for that. Humans have been producing and trading things since long before capitalism, and producing and trading things is good.


I saw the parts of this discussion previously where David Graeber was speaking. In the clip, Ann Pettifor, touches on topics that Iā€™ve heard economists like Michael Hudson, or others that tend to have an MMT perspective. At the base of it is that the extractive power of finance is at a level that Marx did not anticipate. Marx was looking at what could be labeled ā€œIndustrial capitalismā€, and the banking system for that was focused on building up industry and production capacity. Whereas ā€œfinance capitalismā€ is more about creating credit in order to extract profits via interest and ā€œfinancial servicesā€. An example of this is what people refer to as ā€œzombie companiesā€.