Iran Just Bombed US?

Gathering info from Twitter it appears that six rockets were fired at the consulate, but it’s not clear how many hit it. US says no casualties.

On the one hand it’s an act of war, on the other we killed Soleimani and this is probably retaliatory albeit very delayed.

It also seems like both a terrible time to look weak and a terrible time to escalate with Iran, we need our military strength to be available in Europe.

Covered in the Ukraine thread. Cliffs: No, we’re not at war with Iran. The target was Mossad assets. It was in retaliation for an Israeli attack earlier this week. Seems unlikely to blow up into anything worse atm.

Uh, our embassies in Iraq are apparently under rocket attack right now.

Multiple reports that these attacks were launched from Iran, but this is very unconfirmed.

If any of this is true, I don’t even know if this is the right thread to post it in.

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wat holy schinkeys

It doesn’t make sense from the government’s perspective right now but no doubt Putin has friends in Iran.


What the hell, I stop paying attention for an afternoon to play Elden Ring and now we’re at war with Iran?

Sounds like maybe the target was only near the US consulate, so it might not be WWIII just yet.



damn that drop ceiling will never be the same

Uninformed speculation: If the missiles originated in Azerbaijan, it could be Putin making it look like they came from Iran. Or, I suppose, to give Iran some plausible deniability if this is them. Air defense system could have changed a missile trajectory so it landed short and on that TV studio? Or incoming missile just off-target.

Twitter speculation is quickly turning to this being retaliation for an Israeli strike earlier in the week that killed a couple members of the IRGC. But that doesn’t explain why the US consulate would be targeted. Or maybe it’s one of these:

Iran itself actually targeting the US right now would just be bonkers.

Yeah, nuts. Some mentions of Fateh-110 missiles with a range of 300 km so limited to Iran and Syria if came from outside Iraq. If from direction of Iran, well it’s Iran. Renegades fucking with the nuclear negotiations or just pissed off for one or another of many possible reasons.

Gonna need the realist perspective on whose side to take in an Iran-Israel struggle.

Twitter intel has suggested it’s a response to an Israeli strike:

I’m spitballing here, but firing them at night suggests they don’t want to maximize casualties? Mostly just sending a message?