Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Should we be buying JPN or JPXN? The Nikkei is down almost as much as the US markets, but Japan seems to be having way fewer COVID-19 problems than anyone else. They could be uniquely positioned after this.

I never really watched CNBC before, it is always this terrible?

I only started watching a week ago, so small sample size, but that’s gonna be a hell yes from me.

I do enjoy when the dude who was calling for us to let everyone die gets upset about the markets plummeting, because fuck that guy.

Man you really missed out on CNBC in the glory days of the dotcom mania. It was mindblowing. It was like playoff sports level intensity except for 8 hours every day.


Starbucks announced a stock buy-back today. wtf?

holy shit what an EOD pump right here

Dow up like 900 points in the last 15 mins

and now down 300 since that post, very cool, very legal

The only thing better than a stock buy back is a 30% off discounted stock buy back.

literally swinging hundreds of points every minute

Yeah, uh, can I short North Dakota and Alberta?

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Why do we get these big rallies at the end of the day when so much bad news keeps pouring in after hours? I don’t get it. Who’s like - yeah I want to be long when Italy’s new #s come out or Trump tweets he’s gonna nuke China if they don’t ship our stuff.

If you short Canadian energy stocks you are more or less shorting Alberta.

People thinking we’ve hit bottom and want to get in now?

I feel bad for those TA boneheads desperately trying to make sense of these wacky movements with their charts and candlesticks and tea leaves. :exploding_head:

Rule number one of equity investing is never pity the TA people. They have made their bed and they must sleep in it.


Heh, a buddy sent me this video shortly after I read this post. Billionaires are shook:

Stay the course!


1930s were a hell of a roller coaster

Where are we at on this? Edit - Oh I can’t read

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When is Apple a buy? 240? 230? Asking for a friend…