Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

In a sense the US is probably close to as dense at Italy if you are basing in on population centers.

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Paul Krugman is pretty much of a chode and an absolute hack when it comes to electoral politics but he’s fantastic at explaining complex economics in a digestible way and has been right way more than wrong (pleading with Obama for a bigger stimulus and insisting inflation wouldn’t be an issue during the GFC).

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Can you elaborate with some specifics? I’m not well versed on options, and I probably need to get approved for options trading, right?

Ugh, whyyyyyyyyyyy didn’t I think of that?

No way they can scale up enough to support that increase right? It’s at like $16 now.

The circuit breaker is just a daily 15 minute break for everyone at this point


“Oil prices can go negative,” wrote Paul Sankey, managing director at Mizuho Securities.

“Negative prices are simply a higher cost of storage than market.”

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Lol peak oil. Is Jiggs still posting on 22?

I tried to pin him down on any kind of timeframe once. I just kept getting “What are you talking about? It’s happening right now! Look around mannnnn!!!”

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If the pattern holds, tomorrow should be a bloodbath and Friday should be a break or upturn. No idea why these people who move in and out constantly want to be long over the weekend though. It’s just more bad news. Maybe Friday was a “buy the dips” crowd rally?

I just can’t see another big Friday rally. Maybe it will happen tomorrow and Friday everyone will bail.

circuit breaker

Ugh I’m so tempted to buy but I need to stay strong and wait for my target I think

I don’t know much about options either, never really fooled with them. But if there’s significant inflation on the horizon then 30 year treasuries will get absolutely killed.

Need a montage of current bailout requesting business bros and boomer asshats lecturing millennials about having an emergency fund and eating too much avocado toast.

Wipe. These. Assholes. Out. They blew their wad buying their own wildly overpriced stock, there is absolutely no justification for recapitalizing them with government money and leaving everything else the same.


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Black Wednesday

That’s what Trump would call it, anyway.

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So what you’re saying is that Billionaire Bill Ackman has signed onto the Cuse Coronavirus Recovery Act? We welcome his support and urge Congress to do the right thing and get it done!

We also don’t care if he knows it yet or not, but he and his buddies are going to pay for most of it. That will be passed later in the Cuse You Guys Pillaged The Economy And You Always Get Bailed Out Now It’s Our Turn Freedom We Love America USA#1 Act.

The inevitable Tesla bailout is going to severely rustle my jimmies.