Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Heroic is a dumb word but WSB have done something important.

Again AOC was right in drawing a straight line from the organization that happened a decade ago at Occupy Wall street to what happened this week. A group of regular people, many of whom had ties to Wall Street in some tangential way, used that knowledge to transfer wealth from the richest people to average people. This is important because as we all know 99.99% of the time it occurs the other way because the incentives are for people with financial knowledge to spend all their time figuring out more efficient ways to transfer wealth to the rich.

Lol, they’re running an open pump and dump scam, and a broad cast of amoral ~engagement~-hungry takesters and power-demagogues are providing PR for it.

It’s certainly funny that a hedge fund got caught out by some goofy memes, but it’s definitely not important.



By definition a pump and dump scam isn’t open and requires the actors to be spreading false and misleading information.

This was completely in the open and fully explained in terms of desired end result.

What? Plenty of pump and dumps are in the open.

The only way this becomes “important” is if the repercussions become even worse and Wall Street gets even more protections. We don’t live in a world where the opposite occurs.

Typically not the intentions.

The reddit dudes covered in cheeto dust couldn’t explain what OWS was if given a Wikipedia article and a thesaurus btw

Who cares? Why is that relevant?

You said this was a direct result of OWS. That literally couldn’t be more wrong.

This has come up a few times. There are some superficial similarities to traditional pump and dump schemes but also important differences. The boiler room guys would usually lie about their pump and dump penny stocks, telling investors BS about a fictional regulatory approval or amazing financial results that were about to happen but if you buy right now you can get in before the price goes up.

The WSB guys didn’t tell any lies as far as I know. And they’re talking about securities that trade on public exchanges with extensive continuous disclosure obligations. Its a different beast.

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What is the consensus exit point on WSB? $1,000? $10,000? :rocket:the moon :rocket:?



I didn’t say that AOC did and not a result, there is a historical connection.

Ah, I see you’ve figured out our financial system.

I used the same loophole to get free healthcare right after college.

“Heres the bill sir.”

“Lul, I make like 12 bucks an hour, I cant pay this and I have nothing for you to sue me for”

rips up bill welp, ok. Have a nice day!”

There is more of a connection to newgrounds and chocolate rain in this then there is to OWS.

All your base does belong to us

You think there should be more to buying crypto than pure speculation?

You know its the year 2021 right?

Planned obsolescence is a real money maker

I’ve always gone with Doh shu

The $200 might not be coming from the customer, it could be coming from the proceeds of a stock sale that hasn’t closed yet (meaning that the money is coming from another broker).

Jesus watching the entire world freaked out about things they have literally zero understanding of is frustrating


It’s not a traditional pump and dump, but all these apps are new territory for something like this.

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