Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

i don’t understand all of it, but my guess is that if the retail investors were driving up a stock that wall street doesn’t have a direct bet against RH would have miraculously found a way to let them keep buying.


If you actually follow the sub they shit on Trump all the time and rashidas tweet calling out RH was a top thread with them all praising her.

It’s a pretty split sub politically

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It varies, they were far more pro-Trump before covid. I followed them for the lulz back then but stopped because they got too Trumpy.

This guy looks like Wayne Jarvis, attorney at law

Colbert has a nice summary of today’s events:



I’m long AMC, BB and GME, in that order of position sizing. Unfortunately I entered after the 4am gap-ups because I wasn’t awake & caught up to make moves by 8pm. It is what it is. All 3 positions roughly break-even so far, but should really blast off once the RTH begin.

I would join in the CLVS excitement, but this isn’t my money I’m trading so I gotta stick to meme-trading like my friend intended.

ETA: Just bought some KOSS shares too :headphones:


Check his bio. BTC instantly up 15% following this post.

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Yesterday was probably the best argument for decentralization the public has ever seen. Blockchain sure seems like the answer and blockchain and Bitcoin are basically synonyms at this point for most people

Long? What?

GME up to $380 in premarket trading. I can’t shake the feeling that this is somehow going to fuck all of us.

Means I profit from a price increase. I bought shares, but someone with a call option also has a long position.

Ah I thought you were using long in the pre gme way - holding the stock long term lol

It’s a split between the og members, which are largely as you describe, and the five million new members they’ve added in the last 10 days or so. Imo anyway.

Haha fuck no, I’m gonna err on the side of exiting these positions too early, so as not to be proven the greatest fool. I’m under no delusion that these are value/fundamental plays. The time for a long-term hold (if there is a time) would be after the inevitable fall back down to Earth.

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Honest question, why is it relevant if every single poster on WSB is hardcore trumper?

The story is that a group of retail inventors found a way to effect the institutional market. That is what makes this important. Instead of focussing on that, we are going to get a bunch of stories, mostly promoted by the same institutional players, about what bad people these guys were and we should all quickly forget they found a hole in the system that can be exploited by the average person.

It’s like AOC was saying last night. There are people in congress now, from both the right end left who won’t take corporate money. That is good even if the ones on the right also have other bad policy ideas.It’s too easy to lose the forest for the trees.

I’ve never been on WSB, and have no trouble believing they are a bunch of toxic bros who think owning the libs is hilarious. In the context of this story, I don’t really care. If one of them wants to run for office I’ll care. Right now I want to focus on the huge hole they have blown in the side of the system and figure out ways it can be leveraged while resisting the huge push to patch it up by the elites who benefit at the expense of the retail investor.


Another wsb pick emerges: LMFA. Rumors about an Elon blessing. It’s trading at 2.60 and climbing fast ever since some ppl in the room plugged it

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Nooo it was supposed to be Clovis!

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The company’s units commenced trading on the Nasdaq Capital Market on January 26, 2021 under the symbol “LMAOU.” And once the securities comprising the units begin separate trading, the Class A common stock and warrants are expected to be listed on Nasdaq under the symbols “LMAO” and “LMAOW,” respectively.



That’s not what happened though.

And people are just rightly correcting the narrative in that neither side is heroic, because the reddit side really wants to be seen as such.