Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

I love watching these people getting all excited to ring the opening bell. What a day to do it.

My next big buy is Dow 20k (but I could be flexible and choose to buy somewhere above but close depending on specific circumstances.) If we don’t get there, then I’ll hold tight at my current AA. But it sure seems we’re getting there and probably soon.

I agree, but you never know. I’m just making purchases every time the indexes drop 2% and trying to smooth out my entry points.

CNBC needs to zoom in on that heat map and show me which company is green.

The CFD market already has Dow down well over 7%. I think the markets likely already hit the first circuit breaker. (Hard for me to tell for sure as I think the quotes I see on regular finance sites are all delayed.)

Dow soared past 22,000. Thanks! Working hard!


I’m too late, we’re going to hit 18k before I can get approved for option trading.

Thanks for the info peoples. I definitely look at this as betting Leicester to win the Premiere league.

I think lol Robinhood instantly approves options trading

I’m not that much of a degen

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So um, is this it? Is the world ending? It kinda feels like the world is ending.

Princess shuts down all ships for 60 days. This is a bad day for me

This probably sounds crazy, but I think we’re drawing live to the President being removed by whatever that article is that allows it if he’s unfit due to being stark fucking mad. And I would snap accept Pence right now. (Which is also crazy.)



I think we’re drawing live to Trump resigning. He mashed buttons and ran good for 3 years, but I would guess he doesn’t do well when running bad. He’s defined his whole presidency on the Dow, what’s he going to do now?

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I’m too dumb to make any fancy moves. Just holding my bags like a chump.


Fuuuuuck, there it goes. No post pause bounce like last time.

oh wait, a little one. Lets see how long it holds.

Nuke Iran?

Jim Cramer is so wanting.

No because then Republicans will snap do it to the next Dem president within 2 weeks.

Ok, I gave in and looked at my accounts. Turns out I have $16K in cash across various brokerages, about $10K of which is in retirement accounts (don’t ask). Maybe it’s time to finally get that shit to work.

I saw a little bit of how much I’ve lost, but I haven’t done the math on the accounts that didn’t explicitly show me, “LOL LOOK AT THIS NEGATIVE NUMBER.”