Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

A very uninformed stocks chat I’m in just started talking about the Friday date for keeping the squeeze on. GME and AMC.

So GME is still heavily shorted? wtf the greed of these mofos

They aren’t going to cover. They’ll just cover the losses with borrowed money if need be and wait for it to crash back to earth. Someone explain to me why they can’t just wait… because that’s the obvious best move no matter how bad the paper losses get. Until you can’t get short term money to cover it (and your investors do NOT want you to eat this loss) you don’t actually have a real problem.

Good luck getting future hedge fund business as a brokerage if you margin call these guys too hard either.

translation to morons?

So it’s updated but does anybody know definitively as of what date the new numbers represent? One of the replies in the twitter thread says 1/15 but who knows if that’s correct.

My price target for BB is $4,000 (match the market cap of AAPL) and my price target for CLVS is $420.69 because memes. :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:


Is it safe to assume shorts and options could be traded in these “dark pools”, possibly leading to a bigger systemic risk than the 130% short or whatever that we actually know about?

Why does this feel familiar?

Tony Reali just worked short, game-stop and stonk into Around the Horn - awesome.

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Because you have to have an identified share to be borrowing. What wsb characters are doing right now is encouraging GME shareholders to instruct their broker to not make their GME shares available for lending. So if you were borrowing shares that are now made unavailable, you’re hosed and have to locate new shares to borrow.

You can’t just ride this out if you’re short with no available shares to borrow.

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By what mechanism do GME shareholders instruct their broker to not make their GME shares available for lending?

lol I have no idea how this is going to work out but I am 1000% sure it’s not going to work out the way the rulebook says it should.

Yeah I skimmed your post too quickly

This mechanism feels like the problem tbh. Not sure why it’s something optional.

I had no idea such a thing existed. I’m very curious.

I’ve seen the screen where you make the choice about whether or not to lend your shares in IB otherwise I would have no idea that was optional either. Obviously I’ve always made shares available to borrow it’s free money.


Robinhood account set up.
WSB tab open.
Bank account linked.
Ready to get rich!

So, what should I buy?

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This is a super off-the-cuff response with no research, so I might be wrong. But I think if you hold shares in a margin account, you gave your broker the right to lend those shares when you agreed to have a margin account. So if you have a margin account, you’d have to convert to a cash account in order to prevent your shares from being lent.

Even in a cash account, I still think it’s possible that your broker can lend your shares, but I also think that you can simply call them and request those shares not be lent.

I don’t see anything wrong at all with telling your broker you don’t want your shares lent.

Pick one (or more) of


i think these are the most popular ones ITT, but if i missed one let me know.

CLVS isn’t really mentioned much on WSB though, that’s more of just a stonk that me and a few others are betting will become a meme soon

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I own lots of shares in Fidelity. I’ve never seen a screen that asks me if I want to make them available to lend.