Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

They haven’t even covered the shorts yet. That’s when the real gains are made.

I learned all of this on Reddit in the last 24 hours.

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Lol, tried to access my robinhood accoutn (haven’t used it in years), trying to 2fa me but i don’t think i ever set that up, no way to contact customer support… probably for the best.

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There was at one point the uptick rule.

Somebody here smarter then me could explained it much better then I.

One way to find out.

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heh, you could’ve gotten a free gamestop share

Part of Chamath vid. He says WSB is better than some hedge funds. WSB GOAT!

Chamath leads with: “This morning I woke up after spending all night reading WallStreetBets”


For the hedge fund who exposed themselves, sure. Unclear why I or anyone else should care. Or rather, I do care and am actively rooting against the hedge funds.

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I finally decided to toss some money at AMC and GME, I had to slide a notification acknowledging that the SEC considers them bad investments.


Who gives a shit what a sports conference thinks of your investment. Like what did the Pac 12 think?


Wait til we find out AIG is holding 100x derivatives on the short positions.


Ride it out until March 19th and hope it falls back to below 470?

If it ends at 700 then, welp.

And not sure if RH requires you to own the underlying to sell calls. They probably should.

Uh oh. My boomer office is talking about GME.

Edit: no offense you any boomers here. Ya’ll are the good ones.

There’s going to be an incredibly shitty Netflix movie about this in like 18 months.


GameStonk has been pretty rangebound by it’s own standards today. We have to see a big move up or down to end the day right?

I’ve tried reading WSB and it’s just 20,000 people reposting the same memes. idk how anyone follows it.

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When VW was squeezed in 2008 it at one point became the biggest company in the world. That would be GME at 30k a share. HODL


it will be called “Power to the Players”


It does, I’ve tried :joy:


Just checked in with a buddy, in for 222@40, much jealous

Basically the movie equivalent of those books that come out a month after the thing happened.