Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

I booked a 55% loss on XRP last week and moved it to BTC/ETH and I’m breakeven now. Wut?

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this is the way

lol should’ve withdrawn some money from bovada a week ago to get some free money to add to my bankroll

Would have made so much more leaving my money in BTC instead of betting on stupid Biden

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I thought it was LOL S&P funds for adding TSLA at such a high price but so far it is probably one of the top performers since it was added. So just LOL S&P for not adding it sooner


Why is " a highly complicated, distributed and CPU intensive record of a transaction" going to lower transaction costs compared to “lets just both trust this other guy and send them two lines of encrypted xml each”?

Any advice on how to to buy an index fund but avoid the shittyest companies on it?

You’re Australian yeah? Check Vanguard - they’ve got a detailed breakdown of each fund’s investments. Think they’ve got about 60 funds (although that could be 30 managed funds and 30 identical ETFs). Pretty good mix of products in my experience.

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Because the other guy charges a fee for his services

Is this something you invest directly or on an exchange? I got myself a commbank/commsec trading account as seemed reasonable, but havent put any money in yet.

Either. I have held index funds directly from back when I was in uni but I’ve since moved into holding some of their ETFs when contributing more $$$. Haven’t looked at that commsec pocket thing but I think they have some ETFs that are fairly cheap fees wise so maybe good to look at them too.

This is not indexing. You need some sort of active management to make the decision what are the shitty companies. But there are funds focusing on social responsibility.

I would be very hesitant to pay for any socially responsible investing ratings given the state of ESG management today. There is a ton of window dressing going on where teams are doing the absolute minimum that required so the regulators will let them call the thing “socially responsible”.

I just want SPX - TSLA please

We gotta be getting close to non hodler whales realizing their gains, right?

Any single BTC whale taking gains will tank the entire BTC market. Really nice store of value you got there!

That’s what I’m saying. They’re basically playing chicken with each other to see which one breaks first. Once one does, you have to expect all of them to QUICKLY follow suit before the major tank hits

STONKS love sleepy Joe.

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Bitcoin 40k, TSLA 800. Is Space Karen singlehandedly bidding up all them coins?