Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

I made the mistake of looking back at my sep-ira history today and checking up on old microcaps I’ve owned over the years. The first individual stock I ever bought in my sep-ira was GRVY. I bought 8350 shares in 2012 for around 1.80. I sold it in 2013 at a loss around 1.40. Today the company is worth over a billion and the stock is trading at 196.69. My 8350 shares I bought for ~$15,000 would be worth over $1.6m now. Should have hodl’d.


You’ve learned a valuable lesson that we all have to learn from time to time.

Selling is for suckers.

So what you’re saying is you really missed out on the GRVY train?


he didn’t realize the gravity of the situation


I sold MSFT and WMT thinking their businesses were declining. Who’s gonna shop at walmart when you can just order off amazon and who the hell uses windows or plays xbox anymore when all of those games you can play on a better pc now and windows sucks.

mistakes have been made

The biggest mistake I made was not firing all my money in bitcoin when I thought about it first hearing about it. Not gonna add that up, probably a million too at this point.

Stock wise, I guess it’s UPS in 1997 when the strike happened and I thought everyone was stupid on the stock price but I wasn’t old enough. Though I guess my life savings at the time wouldn’t be enough to matter now but damnit.

Yea I’ve missed out on plenty of others as well, just not other 100 baggers that were in my fingers. I guess I was also aware of btc back when it hit 2+2, I’m guessing 2011 or 2012 maybe, but never quite understood it or its appeal, so never pulled the trigger.

Index funds, no regrets, lol stock picking.


I remember sitting in a poker game around that time and this hoodie-wearing poker bro was talking about mining btc. I thought, “huh that sounds interesting, I should look into that.”

Of course I never did. :cry:

Index funds, but with the addition of about a 1%-net-worth position in bitcoin as “shmuck insurance,” as Chamath Palihapitiya eloquently put it.

Selling when he did certainly wasnt a groovy option

To be fair I still dont, and I’m not some old. It seems like play money

Love how the stonks kept going up because the stimulus was being priced in, then they went up even more when the already priced in stimulus passed.


But what is stimulus? It’s a moment before you need more stimulus.

Much efficiency, very info.

For some reason W went down on both. FML.

It appears that the market geniuses have concluded that folks have a lot more money now than speculated during the last few months.

Apparently, the combination of working folks saving more by working at home as well as not splurging their stimulus checks and additional savings on sectors that are closed, ie restarants, theatres, events, casinos and what will endure when those sectors do reopen is a big driver in the market. If the feds handle the back rent, its a party.

In fairness, has there ever been a time when corporations are able to squeeze more from their employees and customers? Stonks.

Futures up again, STONKS

The Nikkei was up over 2.5% today and the FTSE 100 (UK) is over 2% right now. All the STONKS are STONKING.

Still not able to short DASH or ABNB through TD Ameritrade. :frowning: