Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

He doesn’t refuse. I transfer it every month on BofA. I just wish I could automate the process.

What I was supposed to think of vs. what I actually thought of:



Either way - POWER

Really is just a tremendous book. I swear one of these days I’m going to start suzzing it up with spin offs. Actually would probably be a fun thread in this forum, everyone read “You Can Become a Stonk Market Genius” and then have a stock picking club. Let’s do it.

MRNA just getting slammed for a bunch of contradictory reasons. Now 22% off peak.

I’m reading that it’s because the vaccine may not offer durable immunity, but also because the market for COVID vaccines is only a year.

I’m also reading it’s because all the good news was already priced in, but there’s been no bad news since then.

Last but not least it’s because of competition in the market, which of course has always been the case.

But never the less there is a shit load of Wall Street money now shorting it and that seems to be driving the price down a ton.

Somehow this wasn’t published in the journal “No Shit”:

A study of fiscal policies in 18 countries over 50 years has concluded that tax cuts for the rich do not trickle down and only really benefit individuals who are directly affected.

The paper, by David Hope of the London School of Economics and Julian Limberg of King’s College London, found that slashing rates on high earners tends to breed inequality rather than address the route causes by stimulating business investment.



Too bad, cause “tax cuts for the rich stimulate the economy,” is accepted as fact by a majority of Americans. What a tremendously powerful lie.


Just a bunch of shocking developments in here this morning.


LOL. “Alleging”. That’s their fucking business model.

I would guess in the short term there probably is some profit taking based on good news and the likelyhood that additional good news (vaccine formally approved, rollout works relatively well) is mostly priced in while the potential bad news (previously undetected side effects, production/distribution screw ups) might not be fully grocked.

Longer term though, it seems like this whole effort could serve as a great proof of concept for their whole approach to vaccine development. I don’t know enough about the science to speak confidently, so perhaps the basic “platform” they used to get from DNA sequence to vaccine candidate so quickly could be easily replicated by other competitors, but if they have any type of secret sauce, this could be the springboard that lets them crack a bunch of other puzzles.


22k. Missed out on it again. I’m sure next time it crashes I still won’t invest.

Do you guys want me to deliberately force the top in BTC like I did last time?

I bought one coin at $19k or something a few years ago as a joke and out of curiosity to see how easy it was to get money off coin base. I pretty much sold immediately. But I did nail the top.

It’s funny how much USD has crashed as to AUD. BTC just now topped its ATH in AUD but is well past it in USD.

Since the Bitcoin bulls are the most loathsome pack of irredeemable scumbags this side of a Proud Boys convention, I fully expect it to moon in perpetuity


So, um, what’s the best way to short bitcoin? Asking for a friend.

thats an expensive “joke”, don’t they charge like 2% in fees?

DCA all the way to the moon.