Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

It’s probably illegal what she’s doing.

Only way to get suckers to pay is generally to lie and claim you know how to beat the market, which is not legal.

It’s significant but hard to tell if that’s because there is less widespread support for the allegations in the Google case, which relate to different conduct than buying out the competition, or if it is because the FTC is viewed as less political than the DOJ, particularly under the current administration.

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Yeah she was previously an agent for an app-based poker room, which turned out to be a scam. She wasn’t the scammer, but she was warned about it likely being a scam (I know because I warned her), and she kept signing people up.

She’s got like 2,200 IG followers but they’re very loyal. She’s probably making 50-60 grand off this day trading tips and coaching thing.

Which states were not a part of the FB suit?

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Should rename thread to “DoorDash IPO is a huge scam; how do I get in?”


so uh GLSI probably the wildest thing i’ve seen

opened at 16, high of 158(!), back to 55 at close

The underwriters did not spike the WeWork IPO – they went to market with it and couldn’t get orders.

Holy shit, they appear to have cured breast cancer and this isn’t bigger news???

Edit: OK, they prevented recurrence. It still required surgery to remove the initial cancer. Still a big fucking deal.


This guy who has been all-in on gamestop for over a year now lost $750k+ after the post-earnings crash

Yo smart finance bros, I posted a more personal question over in the Individual Economics thread within Sundry Chitchat to avoid cluttering this one

He’s still up a million. At least there’s some thought behind the GME play and not just dumbass weeklies with no chance to hit.


Top confirmed



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how did anyone look at people buying games digitally and think I should go allin on gamestop

and he’s still up on that trade by a million ffs

damn nobody told me that got to 16 a share i would’ve had to learn how to short stuff

That’s the thing. It’s massively shorted… over 100% short interest so if you can find shares to borrow the rate is insane. People basically are expecting a big short squeeze because of that.

He’s up more then that, he sold a bunch, sitting on a million in cash. Looking through his profile, looks he got in over a year ago with ~$50k:, and says he got in before Burry pumped it up:

Here was July when he was down bigly:

So yeah, $50k to $3m (before today), on GameStop

I’ve been an options trader for 8.5 years as a career. And no, you can’t just jump in and beat it. You can gamble and get lucky but you actually have to understand what you’re doing and have some technology to harness to actually be profitable long term.


Anyone have an explanation why FB would only be down a few % when they are getting sued for antitrust by the government?

Why, yes, I sure do.


Sounds like everyone knew it was coming

They’re down 4% in the last 24 hours, when was the lawsuit announced?