Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Some citi bank guy set a pt of $310k for end of 2021.

There are so many rumors swirling, airbnb (nope), stripe, In-N-Out, think i saw panda express

One thing I’ve never understood is the absolutely massive gap in earnings multiples in private and public markets.

You can buy a car dealership for something like 5x pretax earnings, but Auto Nation has a P/E ratio of 15. Why the hell isn’t someone buying privately held dealerships and going public? Makes no sense to me.

Because dealerships will be obsolete eventually no? Some ev companies are going to flexible lease or subscription models.

That’s the entire reason roll ups are a thing I’m pretty sure.

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Well Tesla is getting added to the S&P 500 now which means it should add at least another 5 - 10 Hondas worth of MC.

Translation: S&P to 4k because STONKS!

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Wouldnt Satoshi be worth almost double Bezos in that case?

  1. Start a meme stock.
  2. Get added to the S&P.
  3. Buy Amazon.
  4. ???
  5. World domination.
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Something something blockchain?

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Blockchain technology powered by solar panels charging an electric vehicle and powering a weed grow op. Most importantly valuation is based off of 2030 revenues because we’ll be burning money, literally incinerating it, for 10 years.


What if we just made huge furnaces to incinerate money in?

We could be ticker symbol BLAZE.

We’re a green/solar weed electric vehicle startup that literally lights money on fire until our concept hits market.

Why literally? Imagine how motivated we are to get to market!

$BLAZE :rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket:


Are we back to the Bitcoin price point to where they are literally going to destroy the world through unending power consumption used to mine?

My friend’s brother has set up his mining rig again and apparently caused a power outage in his apartment building.


There is no way mining at home is the right move. He is better off buying bitcoin directly with the money he would have spent on electricity. Unless of course he is not paying for his electricity.

Trust fund baby. Hasn’t had a job in months/possibly years. His parent’s own the whole building, Dad was seriously high up at Boral.

I’m so glad I grew up in Kansas City and literally never heard of a trust fund kid until I moved to San Francisco.

We were all broke in our early 20s. As long as I had enough for a case of Old Mil Light on the weekends I was happy. Life was so simple.


There always seemed to be some trustafarians in the rock climbing/skiing/hiking communities, and some of them were pretty good people.

I had a few buddies in SF who always seemed to be under or unemployed and not too worried about it, and all happened to know each from the same private school.

My friend in LA married into old money. That was a trip. They made the front page of the LA Social Register - a thing that still exists and apparently means a lot to some people. Her stories never failed to crack me up - stuff like a seating chart for a supposedly casual 8-person BBQ. Her dad asked for a Bud. So the butler brought out a tall boy wrapped in a fancy cloth napkin and opened it for him.

Of course her husband and his brother had one of the most dysfunctional upbringings of anyone I’ve ever known. They had to move back to her family in Indiana to get away from the mom.

Can mine other coins and immediately convert to BTC and be profitable unless your power costs are v high, but it’s still not worth it unless you already have all the required equipment. Like a 6x 580 gpu rig mining ethereum with .13 $/kwh electricity is something like $6 a day before electricity costs and $3 after.

Of course each GPU is worth like $100 used, so might as well just sell them all and buy $600 of btc