Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

There are casinos on cruises right? Poker? Gotta be insanely soft if so

Generally only low stakes with HUUUGE rake.

All the slot machines you desire.

Not trying to bash the cruise people. I feel like the reality is somewhere between the two pics. But I did feel like I got a feeling for what a cruise is like from looking at these.

Only person I’ve met who went on cruises was this Jersey-shore bro type who went with 10 fellow gymdouche mates. Sounds awful.

I mean you guys go to Vegas, right? All the same stuff that’s being posted about cruises can be posted about Vegas. Same kind of people. Same crowds. Same crowded pools. Same music being played by a DJ at the pool. Same Jersey douchbros and blue hairs.

Both are what you make of it. If you’re young and single, the 4 day booze cruises out of southern California to baja are a lot of fun if you’re in the right mindset. If you have a family and kids the Alaska cruises are pretty chill and generally are definitely not party boats. Longer cruises to Mexico and the Caribbean blend the two and are a good mix.

I hate Vegas for the same reason.


What if I told you Vegas and cruises suck?


That’s reasonable and a consistent view.

I like the occasional cruise but don’t like Vegas much, but my trips to Vegas are probably different than most. It’s my home town so it’s a lot of family obligations and very little of ‘Vegas’.

The cruise lines will be ok if they can avoid having to institute a mask protocol for a long time. A lot of people I’ve seen won’t go if the virus infringes on their idea of a good time in any way.

Mrs. TN and I have been on 12 cruises ourselves, and neither of us can envision going on another one for the foreseeable future. We cancelled two for next year without a second thought.

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I always think of this when someone mentions cruises on here.


Yeah, it’s not the same beach but it is the same trees instead. Same 10 shops as every port in the Caribbean. That said, sailing through the inside passage is a beautiful afternoon if you catch the weather. Horses for courses I guess but I’ll take the same beach every day tyvm.

hahahaha what a beautiful love story


I’ve won money off the cruise people at the casino in Dawson City, Yukon. That was a like a day of driving each way. I was impressed with them for taking such a long excursion.

I was considering trying to move there so I could keep playing on Stars. Then someone reminded me about 3 months of basically no daylight. I can’t handle that.

Idk, you also get 3 months of constant daylight so there’s that.

God Ikestoys is the absolute fucking worst person ever, non Trump-administration division.


That’s not great either.

I’ll like it, but what brought this on?

My buddy who was a radical leftist (but pretty much in words only) and is now an admitted racist Trumper - admitted to me he was screwing his dead friend’s wife before and after the guy drowned - when she was living with him and his own wife. He’s a complex guy and super loyal friend, but he’s a dark person and terrible to women. His Dad screwed him up pretty bad - both parents alcoholics.

I think those kind of people want to think we’re all like that, and that’s what draws them to Trump. They think we’re just pretending not to be scumbags.


This is 100% correct. Their attacks on liberals are practically defined by projection.

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I assume it’s a reaction to what I posted.

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