Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Tim Apple drilling to the center of the earth and APPL is like 87% of the S&P 500.

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Some are saying that Amazon is down because of investor disappointment over Amazon’s forecast for operating income in the 4Q.

It’s also a bit of “buy the rumor, sell the news,” when a company often or is expected to beat earnings.

Why are they drilling? They beat earnings and had good revenue. No Q4 guidance = everyone assumes bad?

They didn’t beat earnings enough apparently.


It’s also 100k Covid cases a day and a likely economic catastrophe coming.


So they finally figured out what we knew in February? Those Wall Street guys are sharp I tell ya!


They’re all going to get $100,000+ bonuses because of the stimulus this year. Everyone else gets a few hundred dollars now and then, if Congress gets around to it.


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I think wall street knew it. I dont think MAGA and WSB knew it and i think market makers bled them dry in the options markets especially the last two months.

They bled me dry too but I am an idiot. I don’t think we break 3000 ever again. I’m liquidating it all win lose or draw in November.

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You think the USA stock market is perma-collapsing?



No. I don’t think it will ever be below 3000 again. If i made that hard to understand I’ve been drinking all day.


I think that will probably happen someday, could be soon. You can’t sustain this multi-generational ponzi scheme forever. I’m just hoping it happens when I’m dead or close to it.

Ah ok. I think we’re going below 3,000 (or close) in the next few months, then stonksing super hard.

I think there’s ways out for “the stock market”. Like a Biden win followed by huge stimulus of some kind. And Biden is business friendly but more thoughtful than Republicans - something like a huge stimulus for a green transformation of the economy is conceivable, and many companies will make out like bandits in that scenario.

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Payroll costs will be way down with 5m dead from covid!


Nah let’s just perma boom it but tax them appropriately and use it for healthcare and stronger unemployment and require a $15/hr living wage and like employee rights and shit even if their employees aren’t in the US.

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You guys told me STONKS were forward looking. The top STONKS are very sensitive to disposable income. Of course they did great from May-August disposable income soared. That is what I didn’t get at the time. Now disposable income is collapsing until we get more stimulus. And we aren’t getting new stimulus for at least 3 months.

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I am sympathetic to this view, but another possibility is a significant shift in the composition of the market. Major zombie companies in the index can go extinct without totally killing the stock market. About 5% of the S&P 500 turns over every year. An administration that is pro business but wants at least a progressive halo could subsidize a bunch of “green” growth companies to replace failing enterprises like airlines.

CNBC in desperation mode: