Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Pray tell.

I called the financial crisis and I called the bottom in Feb (I have the receipts for both). Ergo - I can do know wrong.

Yeah that’s where you guys get in trouble imo. My only move is stonks or cash - except I want the cash in Euros. Keeps me out of danger.

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Please inform us when the bottom is in. Do you charge any commissions?

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I’m just leaving all my money in my index funds and am looking forward to being punished for my insolence.


Me too. I’m just buying major dips seeing as I’ve owned myself continuously trying to do anything else.

Nope - it was free when I called it on 2p2 and free when I called it here. I’m up 20% since Feb - just by missing a lot of the drop - no shorts or puts or leverage.

I know I’m just running lucky. But I do feel better about my guessing ability on when to zig when the market’s zagging at the bottom vs. at the top - which I haven’t timed so well.

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I do wonder if index funds working in reverse some day when the outflows come - with the stocks in them underperforming the rest of the market. I feel like it makes sense to diversify and hold some stuff that isn’t in index funds. Although most of my individual stonks are in index funds so that’s dumb. I do have a few international funds.

Covered my short.

Vaccine is just too damn close amongst other things that doesn’t give me confidence in a big pulldown when the market still moves on companies that aren’t too affected by covid and that longterm shorts are basically always a bad idea.

They might have to invent a STONKS YES circuit breaker for vaccine day.


Cmon man, I bought the index funds to diversity myself into the total market, and now I need to uber-diversify that diversity somehow. Makes me want to convert all of my assets into something more timeless, like wheels of fine aged cheese or barrels of scotch.


I hear NYC penthouses do really well.

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Sadly I have more “wheel of cheese” money than “NYC penthouse” money. Will file that away though.

[quote=“suzzer99, post:5074, topic:136, full:true”] I’m a savant bottom-caller.


This would be a lot better w/o the broken quote and if you took 5 seconds to dig up the actual gif.

Phoan poasting has its limitations


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I’m seeing futures up about 1 percent right now?

We go live to STONKS guy nervously recollecting high school Latin



Shame on me for not double checking twitter morons