Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

But some portion of the dem stimulus might make it’s way to people not in the 1%. Therefore, Not Stonks!

We’re also almost certainly going to see widespread rolling shutdowns from 11/4 until like March or April as cities/regions hit hospital capacities. Like what we all underestimated on this forum was American society’s willingness to basically ignore 1,000 deaths a day, but when people know the hospital by them is at 105% of capacity, there seems to be much more support for shutdowns.

And if 105% of capacity doesn’t do it, well, we’re going to find out what does… because the virus will just keep going exponentially.

Basically the whole country is headed for either rolling shutdowns or mass graves this winter and there may be zero stimulus before 1/21. Unless most of the country can tolerate mass graves without a shutdown, the economy is fucked.


we just megadrilled into close, not lookin great

A lot of us have speculated about the headwinds the market faced over the last few months:

1)Election Chaos
2)No more stimmy
3)Covid explosion in fall/winter

Now we have all three happening simultaneously with not much relief in sight. The reality is the economy is in worse shape both currently and looking forward than it was in March. It didn’t really recover and now the stimulus money ha dried up for the foreseeable future. Will that matter to STONKS? Who knows but this is the perfect storm for it to matter in a big way. While I realize the economy does not equal STONKS, STONKS impression of the economy does matter. For months we have had optimism. Reopening optimism, vaccine optimism, Covid dying off optimism. All of that is gone.

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got it, buying calls


If you just buy calls every time I make one of those posts then you would make a lot. That being said a big chunk of the losses have been regained in the last week.

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That’s 100% a @bestof


I think if we see follow through on this move in the next couple days the actual panic selling starts. People are not going to want to risk seeing their 401ks take a 50% haircut again due to Covid and will get out triggering the larger move down.

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just go all-in on Tupperware (TUP)

Casually up 40% today and has one of the most insane charts ive seen on every timescale

Right before the end of day drill from 349.5->346, 2nd largest SPY option flow of all time just came through

11/20 328p for $30,000,000

That’s 2,621,500 of SPY shares currently would be $859,589,850

line go down

So you’re saying the second largest bet of all time against SPY just came in?

@WichitaDM did you go all-in with that Robinhood leverage?

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yeah at least on this flow tracker, not sure how far back it goes (couple years?)

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Nah i don’t fuck with margin shit. Just been depositing more all the way down and continuing to buy spxs calls (3x inverse etf). Have sold after some big dumps also so havent just been letting everything expire. I still need roughly sp500 = 3000 for even so I’m likely still never getting even.

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That’s only another 8.3%. We’re under 5% from where I bailed and sold everything, I still think that was the right move. It’s going to be a long, dark, cold winter.

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I almost covered my short position just now as tomorrow feels like a green day but will hold till next wednesday.

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QQQ hit support right at the close but spy blew right through where I though support would be.

I closed out Friday expiry positions at the close.

If we get a decent bounce tomorrow I’m back in short.

Reistance at
331 spy
275 qqq

I’m still about 1/3 in FXE (IE - Euros vs. dollar - which also dropped today for some dumb reason). My plan for the winter crash has always been to hold everything else and use that dry powder when it hits bottom - which I will know because I’m a savant bottom-caller. Stick to the plan chums.

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Try (EPV). leverged inverse ETF for Euro markets.