Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

I’m going to keep catching it the more it falls. And then hope we’re not in end times.

Oh right. This is why I want some of my cash to be in Euros - as a hedge against the dollar crashing vs. the Euro like it did in 2008. I have infinitely more faith they’ll handle a crisis better.

Why not buy European bonds instead.

Does that accomplish what I want? A hedge against the dollar going almost 2-1 against the Euro like it did in 2010-ish? I remember a very expensive 2 week vacation in Italy and Ireland.

Note I plan to be traveling the world and not just spending dollars in the US - so buying power outside the US matters a lot.

And as a bonus you now have limited Margin at your disposal.

Apparently I can spend almost 3x my available cash. Time for some 3x ETFs! Clearly I’ve done my research and know what I’m doing here.

So 10 year treasuries are yielding 0.75% right now? Seems like a good time for a few hundred billion in infrastructure spending, make it happen Congress (lol).


Infrastructure week?

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Not necessary. Crude dropped 10% today, no one is driving.

So my near year of unemployment is about to come to an end. Amazingly, I have two companies who’ve offered me a position at the same time. There are some major differences though.

What would you do?

Company 1 is located about a 45 minute drive from my current location. Offering 10K less a year with a better title (finance manager) a heavier work load, 4% 401k match with 6 year vest schedule and possible 3-5 percent merit based increases starting next June. If I chose this company I would continue in my current home, with kids (soon to be kid, my senior graduates this year) in the same school district.

Company two is offering 10K more, 6% company match at 50% with a 5 year vest and 100% match to 6% after 5 years. The title is worse (Sr. Accountant) but the workload is much lighter. Choosing this would include moving and all costs associated. Kid would change schools (after current school year. We have contingency to finish out the year) and then start 7th grade in the new (better) school system. Rent is about 350-450 more a month for similar size place. This is much closer to a major cultural center of the country and offers a ton more in the way of recreation. My work would be about a 5-10 minute drive from where we would live. Its also a major travel company that offers free vacations (space pending) to employees. And oh yeah, my direct bosses will be 1200 miles away, so I would be the top guy in my particular location.

What do you do?



I’d move, 45 minute commute is way too long for me.

For those who do get job offers, how often do you counter for more? I do it with almost every position if theyve come in under the top of my range. Is that a wise move? Are companies likely to rescind an offer if you soft counter “This is great, Im very excited. I was wondering if the company would consider going as high as (3-5k) more though?”

Same, long commute is the nut low plus everything else at that position sounds better minus the 10k

Option #2. That commute sounds awful plus less work with better benefits which will allow you to spend more quality time with your family.

My wife has a lot of experience with this (she has worked at like 7 different companies in the 8 years I’ve known her), she always counters the offer and it has never turned out negatively. Her mom was a HR executive at a mega corp and taught her how to interview and do all that horrible shit.

If they pull an offer after a counter then it probably isn’t a place you want to work at anyway

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Company 2 and it’s not even remotely close.

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Job #2 sounds great, assuming that the senior in high school gets to graduate from his present school.

Yes bot kids will remain in their current schools until year end

Agree - company 2 seems to be quality of life improvements across the board. Obviously having to move is a hassle (and a cost) - you could always mention that as part of your counter.

Big congrats man, I know its been a hard time for you but having your pick of two offers is such a sweet spot to be in.

Well the market is ripping at the end of the day but in the opposite direction from what I expected.