Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Buy the dip!

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Exactly! Something that has been working for generations still alludes people. Market is up +175 atm, but it’s good to know for next time.

Life advice question. GF is about to lose her insurance at the end of next month. She’s a therapist, so has no option to get insurance through an employer. Some may recall I had previously asked about getting her on the ACA exchange, but unfortunately it looks like decent plans are still in the $300-400/month range (VA). She might be eligible for a small credit due to income, but it won’t move the needle.

Coincidentally, we are moving in together next month. My health insurance offers coverage for domestic partners, so I’m going to register her as my domestic partner and add her to my insurance, which is ~$80/month for better coverage than the exchange plans. Virginia does not have a domestic partner registry, so it would just be filing some paperwork with my company. Because it will never be registered with a government entity I see very little risk here. Am I missing anything?

This seems like a perfect option and you’re lucky to have it available. I have been in the same situation and don’t see any risk at all. Just make sure you meet whatever definitional requirements (“long-term committed relationship”, “co-habitating”, etc.) are in the documentation.

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Lol stonks

I’d like someone to go to the wallstreetbets sub on reddit, read through the daily threads and tell me we aren’t in the 2017 shitcoins mania phase of this whole gong show. Because that’s certainly what it looks like to me. For example:

This gives me poker boom vibes when there were a million regfish pros who eventually got destroyed by semi competent players

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That hurts man, this kind of post should get a banning.

Still better than Nikola which has made exactly 0 trucks and hasn’t even actually developed the technology they need for their engines. Their market cap exceeded Ford before it tanked today.

The sad thing is I took a flyer on some warrants when I heard they were being taken public just based off the mania these idiotic things create. Not a huge position because fuck individual stocks. Naturally I sold at a 30% loss when COVID shit hit the fan, forgot about it entirely and then got to wake up to the news that they’re up 800%. So yeah STONKS.

So it appears that the highly efficient markets just realized that this virus thing may not actually be over with. Who could have ever known?

Lol. My 7/17 puts might actually print now.

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Didn’t take much of a dip for Trump to send out the pump team again.

It’s definitely still got highs to go once further vaccine developments get announced (even though you’d think by now an optimistic vaccine outlook has been priced in - I guess it’s buy the rumour super buy the fact)

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I did end up going to cash with almost all of my remaining stock funds back on 5/27. I’m going to make an effort to reinvest in Black Wall Street types of companies and funds. If those aren’t available, as in my 401k, I will try to invest in the socially conscious funds. The reinvestment will begin after either a crash/recession, or after the pandemic becomes endemic, is crushed, has treatment/vaccine, etc. Basically, riding this out for a couple of years to avoid the downside sequence of returns risk as I approach retirement next year.

Unrelated, DELL had a massive layoff in the past couple of days, but nothing in the news. I see anonymous employee sites reporting it, but how is that not reported in the financial news?


I like how team Trump still thinks, 1) that they shut down the economy the 1st time around, and 2) that they have any choice in the matter if states choose to do it again.

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STONKS taking a beating today. This keeps up and Trump will be able to tweet “Dow 25,000” again.

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I still giggle every time I see the word STONKS. Gonna be tough not to use the term when I’m teaching this fall.


Lol efficient markets. Investors apparently believed wishing the virus away was going to work, or something?

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don’t say it, just throw in the STONKS meme on a slide when you’re talking about how rational is the market, really (if that’s a thing you might cover).

Maybe, gotta put your ear to the street and feel the pulse of the market.