Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

A lot of baseball games would probably be pretty easy to social distance outside of getting in and out of the stadium, buying beer and the bathroom.

Also baseball is intolerable when sober. Once everyone is appropriately lubricated in the third inning all bets are off.


Umbrellas are good even if you don’t have a lot of assets to protect.

Every non-poor should have one. As you say, they’re very cheap.

Too true.

Especially Chicago White Sox games, eh eh?

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I’m a Royals fan so I know all about social distancing at baseball game for most of my life.


We’re talking liability here? What liability might I have that’s not covered via auto or homeowners (or for me, renters) insurance?

You could have liability that exceeds those policy limits.

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Pretty sure I don’t have assets yet that exceed those policy limits, but I’ll keep that in mind to check every 6-12 months.

It’s liabilities that exceed the limits and then eat into your assets. Ratio of assets to insurance caps not relevant.

Ohhhh shit, ok. I thought as long as the insurance was enough to exceed your asset value you were safe.

I mean, I’m not wholeheartedly endorsing umbrellas, and I don’t know how much insurance you have and such, but you should at least do the math right. Like, you often want enough insurance to cover the value of your assets, but if you rear end a family of 4 in a luxury vehicle and they all are in the ICU for a month, that’s going to exceed most auto coverage.

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It doesn’t matter what your assets are. I don’t know why everyone thinks this. It’s not just you. It’s a common misconception.

Let’s say you have auto policy of 250K and 50K of assets. Now assume you accidentally run down some young professional. They’re going to go after the 250K and the 50K that you have.

If you have a 3 million dollar umbrella, then they’ll probably just settle for policy limits and you keep your 50K(although they could theoretically go after your last 50K, I’m told that in practice this seldom happens).

The 3 mill umbrella is quite cheap. I suppose if one’s income and assets are very low, one might have more difficulty finding someone to sell you a policy at a very low price. But it’s not that hard.

OK I need to look into this. I’ll put it on the to-do list. I think my liability risk is so laughably low during my near absolute lockdown that it’s probably something I’m fine waiting on until this is ending. Short of starting a fire while cooking with an electric range, I’m not sure what I could really do to harm anyone else.

… at least until I get bored enough to start hitting golf balls off the roof out into the city, Entourage style. May want that umbrella policy then! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I assume habit from the hellscape we narrowly escaped from.

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I like quotes, they make it easier to figure out whats responding to what without clicking anything. When they get nested that much it’s bad, though.

not sure why people do that, it’s kind of annoying honestly.


Well, if you press the little quote button in the reply window, that’s the default.

Normally, I’ll select the relevant text and just quote that, but I got lazy. Sorry.

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Yeah, probably not a huge rush. For an amount like 1 million, it would probably only take a quick phone call and you’re done. If you want more than 5 million, that’s harder. The big, commonly used insurers like Allstate, State Farm, etc. don’t offer those as far as I know, so you’d have to switch everything (auto and home) to a different company. That’s a lot more hassle.

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