Does the older Belgian gentleman with the devil pitchfork have a learning disability or does he just have a permanent scowl?
Dutched them both so don’t really care who wins.
I passed Klinsmann in Regent St a couple of days ago - he’s a great bloke. Assume he was on his way to the BBC there.
That penalty was definitively Klinsmann like
Great player but also tons of Lolkaku moments
Italy playing like worthy champs
Sorry smacc, I know you want your next door neighbours to win it.
I might go look at the best curry houses around tonight, see what’s on offer
Wait till you hear the patterchenko tomorrow if Ukraine wins
Player for player they should stand no chance but that doesn’t mean very much in a knockout game.
Italy are a pretty good team with the best manager in the tournament. That has proven to be worth quite a bit so far.
Yes, he does. I promise.
I did not actually.