Infrastructure / Reconciliation / Debt Limit Sweat

Also Bernie does well in caucuses because voters are dumb ignorant losers. When they are graced with well cultured intelligent Bernie fans they get educated


That’s bullshit. She decided well before then that she was going to separate from Bernie and hitch her ride to the centrist bandwagon when she trotted out the obviously-bullshit “Bernie thinks I shouldn’t be president because I’m a woman” line. Fuck Warren. She attempted to backstab Bernie to become the most-left person remaining, thinking she could pick up his voters, which she was never going to do.


“Backstab” is such a silly way to put it. Warren wasn’t a Bernie operative who betrayed him, she was a competitor in a primary. Ofc she’s going to fire shots and try to peel off some of his voters, that’s what happens in elections. You wouldn’t say Harris was backstabbing Biden when she went after him during the debates.


I don’t think it’s obviously bullshit.

not enough wine caves in vermont to pull that off

Bottom line, many of the never Trumper Rs that crossed over and voted for Biden aren’t voting for Bernie. He still likely wins the popular vote but I have serious doubts about the EC.

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lol, they literally just made a deal, and mitch is already pulling another lucy

they crushed in 2018 because orange man bad

meanwhile, senator meangirl decides to go for extra bitchy

the media couldn’t stop donald trump but sure, they single handedly stopped bernie.

Bernie was favored in all 50 states because people are idiots. Even best case scenario there was no chance of him winning some of those states.

not in 2016 he didn’t

Charlie Brown already kicked the ball.

It wasn’t a shock. The swamp creatures called this in for Clyburn to deliver.

As the Build Back Better bill makes its way through Congress, significant changes are being made to the various proposals, generally for the worse. Hollowed-out versions of older proposals are limping to the finish line and it’s a completely different bill at this point.

The universal pre-k proposal is a good case in point.

For all practical purposes, the universal pre-k bill has been cut in half: the last year was cut entirely and the first three years have such little money appropriated towards them that they basically don’t exist.

Whereas the old structure dangles out 3 years of full federal cost-sharing to entice states to participate, the new one contains no real enticement at all. It would be totally reasonable for a governor to look at this and say that it’s not worth setting up a full-blown universal pre-k system just have a few years of partial federal support for it.

If you approach BBB as if it is a list of topic areas that you want to address, then it’s easy enough to say “universal pre-k is still in the bill” or “paid leave is still in the bill.” But the reality is that the current versions of these programs are mere husks of the old versions and even the old versions weren’t that great. If we go around saying we “passed universal pre-k” and then it doesn’t actually happen, that’s not a real victory and will almost certainly generate confusion and resentment.

I’m on board with just doing 2 or 3 things and doing them right

Problem with that is you have probably 50 different people in the house and senate who are all demanding shit for their votes. Thats why with dem bills you get a bunch of unrelated dumb shit.

Thats something you gotta give Republicans. They all have the same united goal, power and privilege for the rich and powerful. dems have the same goals but individually instead of as a group.

Also I read Nancy basically lets a bunch of different important democrats write their own portion for the bill separately. People who she needs the backing of to remain majority leader. Thats why the covid relief bills had so much random shit in it and it didn’t seem to flow together well. Instead of one united goal, its like 15 different ones smashed together.

Time to reopen this thread? The debt limit was one of those things where I thought, “Oh, there’s going to be a lot of bickering about it, but OF COURSE it’s going to get resolved. It has to. No reasonable person would let the US default.”

But now I’m like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The United States House of Representatives in 2023 is not known for being full of reasonable people.

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I gotta think that rich mega donors are gonna have a come-to-Jesus meeting with party leadership if they get too close to default, and they will fall in line real quick. But we shall see.

Party leadership will definitely fall in line, but there is a fair amount of distance between party leadership and the whackos that make up the house GOP. McCarthy is toast.

Whats the deadline on this?