Industry on HBO

Yeah I was struck by how little I cared about what was actually happening while I was watching it. Still not sure how Eric bailed Harper out of her fuckup in the fourth episode. All I would have had to do was rewind so I could hear his line more clearly, but why bother? It was obvious some 11th hour BS was going to save her, the details arenā€™t really important.

If I mildly disliked the show after the first episode should I watch more?

edit: bonus points for me watching more if Ken Leungā€™s character is awesome going forward, only guy from episode 1 I cared about.

I think he said that the down-low lesbian client had called him after Harper went to her kidā€™s play, but things had already completely gone to shit by that point, which is why I was confused. But again, who cares!

Did they ever actually say that was definitely her twin brother? If it was, then yeah itā€™s super weird that more wasnā€™t made of it. I thought that was just her ex-boyfriend.

It depends why you disliked it, but itā€™s probably still worth watching. If you liked Yasmin (the Spanish? girl), keep watching. Sheā€™s super sexy imo.

Thatā€™s a good question. I think I didnā€™t like it because no one in the show really made me care about them or their situation. A couple of thirsty new graduate dudes wanting to make it big in the scumbag world of investment banking? Hard pass. A young girl trying to grift her way into the grifty world of investment banking? Eh. Oh, did I mention this grifter was a woman of color? Double eh.

Iā€™m not opposed to a show about investment banking in this vein, but I want it to more impactful. Like, I loved Margin Call. Iā€™d watch a TV show just about Spockā€™s subordinateā€™s origin story in Margin Call. But this? Thereā€™s no voice. At least not in the pilot. Except for Juniorā€™s insane asylum buddy, he was great, if heā€™s increasingly great, sign me up.

Yeah maybe not for you. To whatever extent the show addresses any actual ā€œissuesā€ itā€™s very ham-handed. You will likely never care about any of the characters or the decisions they make. Iā€™m avoiding addressing Ken Leungā€™s role but I will say that he is not the center of the show, and totally should be. Maybe if thereā€™s a season two.

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I mean itā€™s not about the ā€œissuesā€ but I think if a show doesnā€™t make you care about the characters and their lives and their problems in the first episode then what are we even doing here? Honestly I canā€™t think of a single TV show thatā€™s a counterfactual to this test.

That said, I didnā€™t hate it, I was just mildly annoyed by the first episode and casually interested in a few of the characters.

Although, thatā€™s kind of the general feeling I had through much of Girls, a show I love. And Lena Dunham directed the first episode of Industry?!?! Maybe thatā€™s why I was mildly annoyed! Fuck it, letā€™s see the next episode!

This was way better imho, first season especially, ymmv.

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This part didnā€™t make sense to me at all.

First of all, I thought she clicked sell or whatever when it was at negative 140K, so it seem like the loss was locked.

Second, what was she trying to get that woman who groped her in the cab to do?

Third, Eric mentioned (I think) that the she actually called and did something that allowed them to escape the 140K loss. What was it?

I had to rewatch it and it didnā€™t make sense to me either. I thought that she hadnā€™t clicked and he came back in at end of day and closed it for her. That would have made sense too because she had said that it was going to bounce back. So I went back and rewatched that she did click sale. So I donā€™t know what happened there

Also, why did she get Eric fired? Especially after he did so much for her? It didnā€™t make much sense to me

The supporting cast were better than the main cast imo. Eric was charismatic. I was disappointed when he relegated to the b plot. The washed up has been trader was great and Kenny was a trash bag of a human being. All of those guy were more impactful than the main story relationships.

Also Daria was very very tall.

Overall, got to give it the Imdb rating 6/10. Would have been more interesting if it would have been more the ins and outs of trading and less rich kids doing drugs and having sex with each other.

My recollection is that Harper booked her trade at a loss then tried to sell an obviously bad trade to her other client to offset the loss. The other client booked that second trade at the end of the day.

The guy who was in the background on the phone (Rishi?) everytime they were at their desk was the star of the show

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