Individual Economics in the Age of COVID-19

Yeah she’s spending $200 on Amazon every time she feels like it which is probably a few times a week, and that doesn’t include the money she’s spending on Nordstrom when she feels like it, on actual in person shopping when she feels like it, etc.

Nowhere near that degree of spending but I was amazed how much I have been able to cut my spending % wise just by not letting myself buy shit on Amazon unless I really really need it.

As nice as Amazon Prime is, it’s too powerful

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“I have reached a point in my life where if I want to spend $200 on Amazon for no good reason, I can,”


She understands and complains about being taxed more than Bezos, yet the point of the article seems to be that rich people should have lower tax rates. :man_facepalming:

Not rich people, duh, just middle class people like her that make $300k+ at age 39.

Seems to have paid off handsomely here? I don’t understand how someone could read that article and say it was a bad investment.

Oof, Florida about to be a much less appealing place to be a professor.

DeSantis said higher education employees with tenure will now go under review every five years, giving the school’s board of trustees the ability to part ways at that time if desired.

Another inkling of a point in there is the difference between income and wealth.

It’s hard to accumulate signicant wealth if you work for a living, even at the top end. The people with money are those who own shit.

Lol Florida. I guess it’s kind of the point but nobody is going to want to teach at their schools at any level. Oh also no AP credits for Florida HS students as the college board won’t certify the curriculum loool

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60k → 340k yearly salary at the cost of 200k. I’m gonna go ahead and say that the positive ROI on this checks out.

Oddly enough, I was just listening to a podcast about the value of Masters degree and had this guy Preston Cooper on who wrote this paper Is Grad School Worth It? A Comprehensive Return on Investment Analysis | by Preston Cooper |

  • Most master’s programs in computer science, engineering, and nursing boast ROI above $500,000. But the median degree in several other fields — including the MBA, America’s most popular graduate degree — has negative ROI.

It was mentioned in the podcast that Harvard/Penn/University of Chicago (top tier) MBA are some of the highest ROI based on the data they have, which seems to be summarized here We Calculated Return on Investment for 14,000 Graduate Degrees. Find Yours. | by Preston Cooper |

Caveat emptor though: when I googled the guy it looks like he also writes for National Review and, apparently, the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity “is a right-wing 501(c)3 think tank based out of Austin, Texas and an associate member of the State Policy Network (SPN).[1]”… SPN is strong right wing including people like Koch and DeVos

I mean, there are going to be a lot of Florida and Teas profs enticed elsehwhere in the near future, but

Will not be true.

There’s so many people coming into Florida right now, it would be pretty surprising if they couldn’t find new professors. Especially ones that like the ‘freedoms’ Florida provides

Part of the problem with assessing the ROI of an elite level MBA is filtering out the people who go in and come out with opportunities not accessible to the entire student body there. Jared Kushner being the prime example.

A small but substantial part of the top earning alums of these programs are simply very rich kids who would get their opportunities regardless where they got their MBA from.

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OK sold all my company’s vested rsus today. Posting this so you can specifically laugh at me when it moons.

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Just in case you don’t realize this, it’s fairly easy to figure out what company that is if you’re trying to keep that a secret (given that you cropped it).

Thanks but yeah I don’t care I’ve said many times my current shitty fortune 50 red bullseye company.


In honor of this great occasion, I will share a montage from Career Opportunities — a John Hughes movie set in a Target and starring Jennifer Connelly that I somehow have never heard about until today


You didn’t really miss much as the movie was bad, by far the worst Hughes film. Even Hughes shit on it saying that he lacked sufficient control to make it decent.

That said, I do love that song and video - particularly the roller skate dancing.


I’d seen this gif on Reddit before, never knew what is was from until now

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I wonder which video came first. I posted this one over in the music thread that uses clips from the same movie. Still haven’t taken the time to watch the movie though