Individual Economics in the Age of COVID-19

Picture the cards you need.

I keep picturing myself in the houses I want…


Change it to like visualizing yourself playing well instead of visualizing the cards you need, and it’s similar to the techniques high stakes poker players pay hundreds of dollars per hour to mental game coaches for.

Yes, positive mental imagery is a known technique that helps people. The issue with The Secret is that, to extend your analogy, it says that not only should you visualize playing well(the aspect known to have positive results), but that if you visual the actual cards you need you will be more likely to get them(the aspect that is quackery).

My perception of this is based upon skimming the book a decade ago, and conversations with adherents of The Secret.

Write it down 10 times a day. Worked for Scott Adams.

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There’s an awesome book called The Secret which has a real life treasure hunt in it. Only a few of the 12 sites have been found in 40 years. Guy was a bit too cryptic.

This is how good bullshit works. It is much easier to sell bullshit that is adjacent to an actually good idea than it is to sell bullshit that is just completely wrong in every way.


I’ve never read The Secret and I’m surprised so many people here appear to have read it, but aside from the obviously positive effects on others of having a relaxed and sunny outlook, some people are just luckier than others and run much hotter; it’s as simple as that.

At my previous workplace where I’d been ~10 years I was quite friendly with the dev manager who was an all round good guy

I’d noticed many times how lucky he’d been throughout the time I’d known him, but what nailed it for me was him telling me how he got together with the woman who became his wife at a social event at the previous place they both worked, when it was down to just the two of them in the evening and they agreed to let a die determine what they’d do next, with only a 6 being let’s do something together (I forget what exactly). Of course he rolled a 6.

I related all of this to another colleague, and told her if the 3 minute warning went off I’d find Phil and follow him wherever he went, even into a toilet cubicle, because he was the luckiest person I’d ever known. She laughed and wandered off.

A couple of weeks later the department had a raffle and most of us put a pound in for a ticket. When an email was sent out with the winner’s name, my colleague replied to me something like “Hmmm, maybe there is something in what you were saying about Phil after all”. lol


Update on Americans using checks:

My brokerage just emailed me with a new service. You can make deposits with them by writing out a check, taking a picture of it and sending them the picture.

Send the same photo to 3 different brokerages and triple your money!


You shoulda folded this analogy preflop


This gimmick demonstrates great preflop hand selection, but the postflop lines could be much more creative.

In the poker game of Unstuck Politics, bad poker analogies are the rake. They are the fucking rake!

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Update: my #1 choice has asked me for my credit report and background check. I’m drawing live @BadPokerAnalogy!


Narrator: he wasn’t drawing live any more when they saw one of his hole cards was Poker Player

They already knew!

I don’t know why you don’t call yourself a day trader, which for some reason people seem to think is more respectable.

“Oh, you’re a day trader? So, like, if I gave you $1000 could you turn it into $2000?”


I mean, IANAL but I’m pretty sure you’re talking about committing fraud here on documents that are signed.

You could call it “e-commerce”

I’m going to speak to an accountant about incorporating later this year, maybe instead of naming the corporation like Cuserounder Poker Enterprises, I can just call it Cuserounder Investments or something like that, and in the future I can put down that I’m the founder and CEO of Cuserounder Investments.

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