Individual Economics in the Age of COVID-19

I’ll check that out, but my pre-pandemic situation will be tough to beat. Whether it’s still available after… we’ll see.

Just watched his vlog #26 with the 1-3 home game and holy shit the action in that game lol

Thought of this thread for some reason.


Everything is luxury, it’s a luxury to have a (leaky) roof over your head these days.

Meanwhile, update: lawyer says they realistically have about $1500 worth of liability but by the time I factor in the cost to file a lawsuit, it’s not worth it compared to the $350.

I applied to two houses, my #2 choice rejected me (other applicants were a “better fit”) and my #1 hasn’t gotten back to me. I called to follow up.

It appears I have 72o, not AA. Every house is getting numerous applicants, and I have a bad feeling that a poker pro is never going to be the top choice.

At least get a cheaper apartment. This whole thing is blowing my mind. Real estate markets work really differently in different places I guess.

Yeah I’m going to most likely end up in a cheap apartment in the suburbs at this point. I was never going to spend what this place wanted, but it’s going to suck because my current priorities are:

  • Private entrance for covid safety and ease of deliveries including groceries

  • Private outdoor space for ease of going outdoors in a pandemic

  • Garage or basement to set up a (relatively) cheap golf simulator for a fun indoor activity in a pandemic

If I get a suburban apartment I’ll have none of those. Right now every time I go out, I shower because I have to go through shared halls/elevators/stairs. I was very much looking forward to being able to go outside and not feel the need to do that.

Oh well, I guess. It is what it is, I’m apparently an undesirable tenant. I guess I should file my taxes and see if that helps, and give up my shot at another stimulus check if they do another round between now and 10/15, which seems unlikely anyway.

What do you mean?

I’ve rented places from private landlords with less trouble as a massively less successful poker player years back. It didn’t occur to me that it was going to be a huge stumbling block with good credit.

As someone who rents a cheap place in the suburbs as a live pro with no references, I have 2 suggestions:

Lie: I told the landlord (a little old lady) that my income was from reffing soccer games. That is actually my secondary source of income.

Dangle money: I gave the landlord a copy of my bank statement. I also offered to prepay the first couple months rent and put down a 2 or 3 month security deposit. I was able to reduce the deposit to a normal level after a couple years.

You don’t need to do that.

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Right. Washing your hands after touching doorknobs or elevator buttons is a good idea.

Yeah this is the first time I’ve had an issue, but I’ve never tried to rent from private landlords as a pro before. I think the issue is that the demand exceeds the supply, and thus every one of them gets their pick of several applicants. I’ve never been in that situation before.

I feel uncomfortable doing this, especially on a signed application document. The odds of it coming back to bite anyone seem low, but given my experience with extremely unlikely events impacting me, I don’t want to take the chance.

I did that. Also my PokerStars balance and my IRA balance.

I’m pretty sure the maximum under PA law is 2 months rent and a 1-month deposit, which I’ve offered.

Maybe, but in order to feel safe personally, I do. Like if someone breathes droplets out into the air and I walk through that air, some would land on my skin. I would then carry them inside and smear them onto anything I touched. The odds may be extremely low, but the risks to me with three underlying health risks aren’t worth it.

It’s your life, but since this is the internet I’ll offer some unsolicited advice and say that there is a lot of results-oriented thinking in your posting and quite a bit of a problem with the “any benefit” fallacy. It’s a mistake to do everything that makes you feel safer.

In the context of a pandemic where we don’t know enough about the long-term risks of contracting COVID-19, but we do know there’s a chance of heart, lung, brain, etc damage, I think feeling safe is pretty essential. I know I’m results oriented about having bad luck with random life events, but it’s gotten to the point where sometimes I wonder if bullshit like “The Secret” is real and my negativity brings this shit on me. I know logically that’s ridiculous, but I’ve had too many things happen to me that my friends are like, “Wow I’ve never heard of that happening to anyone!”

Sooner or later, you just come to expect it. It’s life tilt, sure, but I don’t get a sample size of 1,000 or 10,000 or 100,000 on this stuff. I get one.

where i live its easier to find a private entrance in suburban apartments because they are more spread out compared to downtown apts which are usually high rises.

The Secret is not bullshit. It’s a variation of the placebo effect which is one of the most statistically powerful forces in medicine.

I don’t know, they asked Tony Robbins to be part of the secret and he said no because it’s bullshit.

This secret doesn’t seem like much of a secret since everybody is talking about it. And holy shit, I can only imagine how big a pile of bullshit it had to be for Tony Robbins to think it was too much bullshit.


If a massive bullshitter calls it bullshit, isn’t that sort of like a double negative?

The biggest problem with the secret is the implication that say Haitians just aren’t putting the right positive vibes out there.

Wow that’s pretty good. Right up there with penicillin and hand washing?