Individual Economics in the Age of COVID-19

Owning a house also kinda’ sucks when you’re staring down the uncertainty of November. I would 100% rent until post-election if we didn’t currently own a place.


Good post! The more I think about it the more I value flexibility than anything else, especially since it’s just my wife and I and we are 5 years away from popping out a child. Being able to pick up and move with no hassle seems invaluable at a time like this.

Lol it’s clearly going to happen every time it rains. Can’t blame the roof for not fixing itself! They have the audacity to claim it’s a different leak, and they haven’t even been here yet to look at it. Clearly they’re trying to avoid the legal liability of a roof that’s been leaking for 3+ weeks.

Have you considered resetting it every 4-5 days and telling yourself you replaced it? Seems to be what the professionals like to do.


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I get that you’re having a shitty landlord experience, but I’m not sure that you’ve experienced the analogous homeowner problem: something happens to your house and you have to identify 3-5 professionals to fix the problem, knowing that 2-4 of them won’t even call you back, and whoever you end up with is very likely to not be available for more than a week, and is possibly going to do a shitty job anyway.

It’s unlikely that there’s some magical surplus of expert repair people/contractors that your landlord is just choosing not to use.

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Really hard to overstate how hard it is to get what you pay for when buying literally any service. I’m really good at buying one thing and the main takeaway that’s come from that is my no longer having any belief in my ability to buy anything else without a significant wastage factor.


Yeah, this is problem. Big problem.

Can someone give me the cliffs on the fannie/freddie fee? Which mortgages does it affect? How can it be avoided?

Yeah I know I was mostly just being funny, or trying at least. I think in this case they’re giving maintenance a directive to do everything as cheaply as possible, and avoiding using outside contractors who may specialize to avoid additional costs.

Update: Maintenance was supposed to be here at 11. At 11:30 they still weren’t so I called the managers cell and office, no answer or return call. I called the assistant and she said she’d check, called right back and said “Good news, they’re on the way to your apartment right now!”

A minute later the maintenance guy texted me that it’ll be about 10 minutes.

It’s been 10 minutes, nobody is here yet.

Where are people getting these great mortgage rates? I’ve been trying to refinance (currently at 3.625%) but not seeing rates much below 3.5% for a 30-year, and often that comes with points. Have contacted a current lender and a couple other banks and none have been able to beat my current rate without points.

Try a credit union or broker.

Just got an email from a long-time/ always pay on time client saying that the check they mailed out to me a month ago got lost in the mail(shocking), so they are issuing a new one. I immediately responded that I’m happy to cover the cost to FedEx overnight, because of the USPS issues. They didn’t seem to know what I was referring to.

What’s the current guess for % of the US adult population that is aware of the USPS fuckery that’s going on? ~5%

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Too high. 1-2%

Anyone have recs for a clean design net worth app? Specifically one that doesn’t have issues connecting to weird institutions like an HSA

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Yeah, I’m trying to go anywhere before the election and being stuck selling a house sucks. I’ve been indecisive and now six places in my building are up for sale–presumably the people using them for Airbnb.

I’m still thinking about getting rid of all of my shit, having a realtor sell it from afar, and heading to Mexico City for a couple of months with the option to never return if things go south.

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If you head to Mexico City, things have already gone south.

Nobody ever heard that Mexico City was to the south of USA until today. It’s a very fine city. It’s going to go through some things. But nobody ever heard of that before.

Do you Americans realize how crazy it is that you are still mailing checks in the 21st century?

I don’t think I’ve mailed a check that I’ve had an option to pay via another method in 10 years.

I don’t think you realize just how much money factoring companies make every year in the US. There is an entire industry that exists just to solve the problems created by an antiquated net 30 billing standard that forces small businesses to float vastly more working capital than they should or pay 2%+ per invoice to get paid immediately.

The point of his snark is that mailing checks happens frequently enough that anyone would want to pay or be paid by check.