Individual Economics in the Age of COVID-19

There is apparently no legal basis for withholding rent like that in Philly, but I will be looking into it. September is my last month and they’ve got multiple complaints regarding stealing security deposits, plus they’re not repairing cosmetic damage that I know they’re going to try to use against me even though it’s a leak coming from the roof of the building.

Hence my demand for the deposit back a month early.

Yeah already started this. I think it’s that if they violate the law I get double the deposit back. They will almost certainly give me $0 back. I think I’m like a 3 to 1 dog to ever recover it.

Yeah tbh I think you really should work hard on emotionally separating yourself from this. Being enraged at these people is going to consume a lot of emotional energy. On the other hand if you NEED someone to hurt during this period I can think of drastically more undeserving people so have at it.

I definitely would be trying to zoom out and be maximally analytical in your shoes though… and probably failing. I am not good at what I’m describing, like at all lol.


Yeah I mean you’re totally right logically. I do think flipping my shit on them today, and even that is a manner of speaking, I’m going to start polite enough, but it’s the right move. I lack actual leverage so I need to create some via threats of going to lawyers/media/etc. It needs to be “Your company is hurting me, so I’m going to find ways to hurt your company until you stop hurting me and make it right.”

If it doesn’t work, following through may be illogical once a lawyer tells me I have no legal grounds, but I’ll enjoy it for a time at least.

30 minutes after I yelled at her on the phone, they scheduled a showing of my apartment for prospective tenants on Friday. They know I’m high risk, they’re almost certainly fucking with me now by threatening my health.

Called a lawyer friend for unofficial advice, fired off an email telling them that was a risk to my health and I was uncomfortable, offered to provide pictures and video, they are looking into rescheduling.

Their email said they hoped I’d enjoyed my time here etc… My reply:

Hellhole Leasing Employee,

I’m not sure if you’re aware of what’s going on with repairs to my unit at the moment, or the problems I have had throughout the year, during which I have been lied to four times by representatives of Your Shitty Company, but I assume you are in touch with the management office here and aware. I have certainly NOT enjoyed my stay. Coincidentally I was just on the phone with Employee in Hellhole Management Office about this about 30 minutes before you emailed me.

They are also aware that I have three underlying health risks for COVID-19, and have been uncomfortable even being inside the unit when maintenance has come in (about to be 6 times in 23 days to fix the same two problems).

As a high risk individual, every time someone enters, I cover furniture with tarps, try to stay out for 3 hours (missing work time) and disinfect all surfaces, which takes a couple hours. As a result of the extreme inconvenience and the health risks, I am not comfortable with anyone entering my apartment at this time.

I’m also aware that there are model units, and similar vacant units available on the property that could be shown. At this time I am sorry to say that I cannot comfortably fulfill this request.

Instead I would be happy to take pictures or videos and send them to you to assist in providing a virtual tour. Of course you can also allow prospective tenants to access the rooftop terrace from the adjacent apartment that has been vacant for months. I trust that you’ll find this to be a reasonable accommodation in these strange times due to COVID-19.



Shots. Fired.


I recorded the conversation, notifying her of such at the start. I recapped all the problems thus far, expressed my desire to handle it quickly and peacefully, made my demands, and let them know what recourse I would take it not. Then reminded her I’d rather not do it and work it out but that I was ready to take those steps.

If/when this is over if there are no legal issues, maybe I’ll post the audio.

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Update: they’ve offered me $350 (57% of the rent for the six days I was inconvenienced), expedited return of my deposit after I move out, a release of liability on the floor damage, they claim they fixed the leak and replaced the hot water heater today, and they restate their right to show my apartment and offer to use masks/gloves and booties.

Called a lawyer who told me that they basically can’t do much to me if I refuse entry for a showing, likewise if they do it when I’m not there, I can’t do much to them. He’s going to go over the rest of it after I e-mail him and get back to me as to whether I should accept their offer.

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Did you ask for written confirmation that you have paid your rent so you can show it to prospective landlords?

This situation is awful. However if you’re willing to risk being there for the showings, there might be a silver lining. You don’t need to camp the office for prospective tenants, they’re bringing them to you…


I think this is the right thread for mortgage talk. I can’t believe that after refinancing my mortgage less than a year ago, I’m considering refinancing again. I just contacted my broker who said that today’s rate is 2.625%, which would be a full percentage point off what I’m currently at.

Just mind boggling.

Yeah, I’m looking forward to refinancing my mortgage if I ever find a job

Update: there is a new hot water heater, there is still water pooled in the closet. They left my terrace door unlocked when they left, damaged the floor in several locations bringing the heater in, and tracked dirt/mud in a few places.

We just got 2.75 with almost no closing costs and shaved 25% off our monthly payment. Bananas.

I’m too close to paying off my mortgage to really be able to take advantage of the rates now (7 years left), but man, it was a great feeling when I refinanced about 8 years ago. I had an 80% mortgage at 5.5% and a 10% at 7%. 30-year fixed. Went to a 15-year fixed at 2.99%. Monthly payments went up slightly because of the shorter term, but I shaved 8 years and $100,000 off the lifetime of the loan.


And by the way, holy shit, I went to look at my mortgage account online and on the lender’s homepage is the “unfaithful boyfriend meme” couple:


He should do what my friend did our first year in college. For visuals, he was a 5’ 9"-ish portly black guy. When a tour group would come through to see what a dorm was like, he would stumble out of his room in his tighty-whities like he was drunk and pass out face-first on the floor, just as they were approaching his room.

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We did the same at almost the exact same time and saved almost the same. But you got a slightly better rate. It was a great feeling.

Haha, you dumbass. Looks like I’m refinancing at 2.625% for a 30-year fixed. What a world.

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