Individual Economics in the Age of COVID-19

Actually now that I think of it, she said they rented it while she was out of town - so over a week ago.

That sucks for you, and I’m sorry. That being said, unless I’m forgetting some important details, I’m not sure the landlord’s actions are that crazy or indicative of someone you shouldn’t do business with.


Well we supposedly had a deal and she just needed the paperwork, I offered to sign and pay within a day and at her request showed her my bank account balance, gave her all the info for a background check, and showed her my credit score.

Last Monday she told me we still had a deal, then today she told me they had rented it out “while she was out of town,” which was before last Monday. They did not give me a chance to match.

It sucks that you got ghosted, and maybe lied to about timing. But I can definitely understand why even a well-meaning landlord would take a sure thing over a potential tenant with hard-to-verify financial information. (I’m trying to be as careful as possible to not place blame on you for that last part.)

Without a down payment of some sort or a signed contract, I think you might be overweighting the “supposedly had a deal” aspect of this. I don’t mean that as a criticism, but rather a suggestion that it might be helpful to formalize a deal the next time you find a place.

Yeah I get it, but I tried to formalize the whole way and kept following up. I was prepared to sign a lease 3 weeks ago and she knew it. She was stringing me along the whole way. I knew that and kept going because the location was so close to my buddy, so I’m responsible for getting my hopes up and playing along the whole time. I take blame for that.

As for the finances, I mean, she had my checking account balance, I offered to show my IRA balance, she had my credit score (which is a little under 800), she had all the info needed to get a full credit report/background check, and I offered to show her all of the transactions of rent payments. She had to know I was virtually risk-free. On the other hand I’m a poker pro and some people just assume we’re seedy underworld scumbags.

My current landlord apparently will not confirm to anyone that I’ve paid rent, so if that’s going to be an issue with verifying my financial information, I’m simply fucked.

Like ultimately I knew she was being shady, but there wasn’t much I could do. I could see still covering her bases maybe, but she could have been honest about it and I would have gotten her other forms of verification like screenshots of rent transactions. Instead she told me we were still good, and when she told me that she already had a deposit from someone else.

They used me as an insurance policy, shopped for a better offer, didn’t let me match, and lied to me about it.

Of course to be clear, I walked right into this knowingly. This is America and until something is signed, anything else is worthless. None of us have any intrinsic value to other human beings who aren’t family or close friends in any transaction beyond the amount of money they can separate from us. We are nothing more than our bank accounts. All that matters in any transaction is money and leverage. We are worthless to others beyond that, we will be treated as such, and nobody’s word means shit. We should always assume others are being as dishonest as they need to be to maximize their personal EV. The only way to counter it is with leverage or money.

Case in point: they would have reset my hot water heater weekly for two months if I didn’t create leverage by threatening to go picket their leasing office and cost them money. I am worthless to them as a customer, but blocking them from acquiring another customer leverages my time and anger into a financial threat for them. It makes things happen.

Still 50-50 at best that they fix it this time though. I’m confident I won’t have to stand by the leasing office more than once to get them to get their shit together, though.

Don’t tell a potential landlord you’re a poker pro. This is not a hill you want to die on.

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Importer/exporter is the correct play.




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On my old forum liquidpoker we came up with equity analyst in international shipping.


What else can I do, commit fraud?

Someone on 2p2 once said their answer was always shipping, and if anyone asked them what they shipped, they’d just say “it.”




I don’t think it was unethical for her to rent the place to someone else, since you never had a committed deal, regardless of your willingness to have entered one.

OTOH, it was pretty scummy of her to string you along without making it clear that she was still actively showing the place while she waited for your current landlord to contact her.

Just say actuary. That either ends the line of questioning, or they say “whats that?”

Yeah and she told me numerous lies, which I guess is fine and pretty standard. But I think it had very little to do with my landlord not getting back to her, given that she immediately wanted to rent me another house.

Like if she told me two weeks ago she was still showing the place until X, Y, Z happened then fair enough. But she was the one dragging her feet on most of it, and I was offering alternatives every step of the way.

That said, given the current climate I bet everyone is going to check references, and that may cause me significant ongoing problems.

Funnily enough online pro is about the most stable job there is during corona. At least if you were a consistent winner before you’ve almost certainly gotten a nice raise and no risk of losing your job.

My games have been brutally tough lately - for 3 weeks or so.

If you’re going to blacklist every estate agent who’s dishonest you’d better get a decent cardboard box.

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Moving from live to online is definitely not a raise. Live is legit free money even at 5/10, the nl200 games even are like 20x tougher than 5/10 live.