Individual Economics in the Age of COVID-19

They have countered $3,580 - worse than I expected by a couple hundo. I’m considering flipping the table, figuratively speaking, in my next offer. It’s still $400+ worse than new tenants are getting, still super high vacancy, there have been maintenance issues, etc. I’m planning on making those points in a, “stop making me offensively high offers” kind of a way. Then I’ll counter $1,800 and let them know I’m also negotiating on another place, so they better hurry the fuck up if they want to keep me.

I’m also in negotiations for a house in the suburbs I walked through today. I got them down off their listed rent by almost 10% right off the bat, which actually got below what I was hoping to get them to. Went for an extra 2% off, waiting to hear back. Not particularly intent on staying, but I am interested in continuing to negotiate just to see how it goes lol…


Jesus that’s some bullshit

You’re overthinking this. Fuck ‘em.


As always I’m too pessimistic, but I don’t even see the point. Fuck em. I’m sorry you have to move. At best I would send a line that says it’s clear we are too far apart to come to an agreement, see ya, and maybe they will make a miracle offer. I doubt it.

Screw em, start looking for another place immediately and make them an offer with a short deadline. Let them know you will be providing your notice if they don’t accept.

That’s correct.

I for one welcome our new algorithmic overlords.

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I for one welcome their empty buildings.


The new age of apartment bonus whoring is upon us.

Just keep your stuff super organized and easy to pack. Go for very lightweight furniture and a minimalist aesthetic.

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I just looked at handful of our renewals in a luxury multifamily building and they are pretty much dead on with what is advertised for new tenants.

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Yeah none of that here in Pennsylvania. Frankly, I’m amazed anyone would pay as much as they’re asking to move in as a new tenant anyway. My guess is that few are, which is why their renovated units don’t appear to be in demand.

I guess on the other hand if one is not aware of the actual quality of the building, they may get hoodwinked and think it’s worth it. I was actually wondering if their long term plan was to force out anyone smart enough to refuse a huge rent increase and fill the place with abject morons with TMM Syndrome… But I think that makes the mistake of giving them credit for being any higher than Level 1 thinking here.

$3,800 a month is a mortgage payment on an $850,000 house. LOL your landlord.


that pool tho


Which is literally valued by the marketplace at $100/mo if you live in a nearby building, which I know because I did my research. Like it’s not even exclusive. The cash grabs they are attempting are HORRIBLE business strategy lol… They’ve managed to devalue their exclusive pool AND set the market on what it’s worth at like 10% of what they claim it’s worth.

Oh and that $100/mo also lets anyone in these nearby buildings use our gym, spa, etc. So it’s really worth even less than that.

And yeah I could buy a fucking insane house in this neighborhood for the same monthly payments. I mean I don’t have like six figures available for a down payment at the moment, and I’m betting the market is going to crash in the next year or so while I save one up… But there’s a sick house on the market nearby for about the price you mentioned. It’s got like 4 or 5 bedrooms, massive living room and kitchen, top of the line appliances, like 17 bathrooms, three or four balconies, a private courtyard area behind it, and it’s gorgeous.

This management company is batshit crazy.

Honestly you would do better making a 5% down payment than what is being offered.

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Am unfamiliar with the economics of landlording but it’s pretty clear that they see no difference between the apartment being empty and you getting a fair deal, which is kind of weird to me because I would expect some income >> no income. But admittedly these financial windings may just be above my level.

Still going back and forth slowly with the lady who owns the house. It feels like they’re slow walking me, like maybe I’m their #2 choice or something. We’ll see.

Meanwhile, I have no hot water in my apartment. Looks like another maintenance intrusion and subsequent headache of wiping every fucking thing down again. At this point I’m not sure there’s an amount I’d pay to keep living here.


The paper they wanted me to sign to move out listed the move-out time as midnight 9/28, instead of noon 9/28 - so basically forcing me to be out on the 27th even though the lease has me paying through the 28th. To top it off the lease ran from noon 9/29 to noon 9/28, so basically I have to pay for 9/29/19 and 9/28/20 but they get 24 hours of me not being here while paying… Then they move it back 12 hours on me to try to fuck me. They claimed it was a typo when I complained, I crossed it out, fixed it and initialed.

Meanwhile, the woman who owns the house I want says my current landlord refuses to talk to her to confirm that I paid rent on time, etc, until I give them written permission. I’ve never had an issue with this in the past, but maybe it’s standard? I don’t know, it feels like they’re just trying to fuck me.

After the hot water maintenance visit and still no additional offer from them, I dropped off my notice yesterday that I won’t be renewing here and a letter giving them permission to speak to her. I put it in the drop box as directed. Today they will not confirm that they received it. I have to give 60 days notice for Sept 28 at noon, so not much time here to fuck around.

I texted to confirm and they responded “OK great,” but didn’t confirm that they got it. I responded asking them to confirm that they got it, and no response for 3.5 hours. I’m now e-mailing them.

These fucking people. They’re like faux luxury slumlords. I bet Inso0 would fucking love them.


That’s completely fucked. Sorry you have to deal with that shit.

If you feel comfortable doing it I think it leaving a negative review for the building on any applicable sites (after you get your deposit back) is one of the only ways to “repay the favour” in situations like this.

I sent them a pretty formal e-mail confirming that I had given them notice, and got texted back 30 seconds later, so there’s that at least.


Yeah that’s the least I’m going to do. I’m showing restraint not doing it yet. The Philly Inquirer has given them a couple fluff piece articles, I’m considering contacting that reporter and telling them the real story of living here. I’m hesitant because I don’t know if it’ll be detrimental to my future apartment hunting if landlords see me just excoriating them in the Philly Inquirer if they Google my name.

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