Individual Economics in the Age of COVID-19

I could have gone either way in that regard. I’ll enjoy it, and I’m not afraid to walk and revert to email if it’s not going my way. I’m also not afraid to stand up and say “I’ll be back in 15 minutes with my signed notice that I’m leaving,” then do it.

So if I feel like I’m at a big disadvantage, I can always flip the table over on them.


You don’t even have to get all dramatic like that. You can just say, look guys - I’m willing to leave rather than pay an unfair price in this current market. All the theatrical shit is for books and movies. And some people do love the screaming and yelling and acting, but most people think those people are just assholes.

The one thing I do think is helpful is if both sides can find a win somehow. Like maybe they might push for more than 1 year, or something like that. Anything that you might not mind giving up that they can find as a win is helpful for closing a deal. As long as you don’t give it up too soon.

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Oh I’m not going to be yelling. And I’ll be explaining that I have other options and thus I’m not bluffing and am willing to leave and they just need to decide whether to take a fair offer or not. But if they try to jerk me around I can just call them on their bullshit and say I know the market, I know they are leveraged to the gills right now and probably can’t service their debt, and I’m not going to pay them more than fair value based on market conditions, so I’ll be back in 15 minutes with my notice and they can think it over in the meantime.

I guess I didn’t post my email in here, I did mention the possibility they’re having cash flow issues and offered to pay 1 year up front for a substantial discount (did not name a price) and reasonable terms. My goal with the terms is to give myself an option to renew at the same price in a year.

But the deal has to be really good, cause I’m giving up the ROI on having the money invested, not charging interest on what amounts to a loan to them. So that’s got to be reflected in the price and terms. I help them now with their liquidity and cash flow issues, I get a deal now and options to renew at this price.

I’ve done substantial research, I know they’ve got a project financed at 11 times the value of this building, I know who financed it, I know that company is taking it on the chin right now, and I know these guys are doing a bunch of nickel and dime cash grabs that hurt their long term value.

Chupacabre’s sixth sense caught on first and brought it up, and I ran down the research and put it all together. I don’t know for sure of course, but it all would make sense.

Now we’re talking about payments on this other financing that are probably seven figures a month, so my offer isn’t massive. But on the other hand maybe the reason renovations haven’t been happening here is that they don’t have cash on hand to do it. Maybe this let’s them finish 1-2 more units, and they may think they can turn those over into cash flow.

I’m also guessing I know more about the broad issues the company faces than the people I’m dealing with directly. I’m guessing the shit is rolling down hill. In fact, my recon work the other day included him telling me the tension in the air was thick with all the employees, that corporate was on them about numbers, numbers, numbers. So I have a feeling they’re being leaned on to generate certain measurables that would lead to enough positive cash flow and me paying a year up front at half price is as if they just rented out 5 more units in terms of the immediate cash flow. It buys them time and covers their ass personally in this office for a little longer.

My only concern is what happens to me with that deal if they go under, but I assume I would have legal standing if the building sold out whatever.


I just tell them my salary expectations, which I peg at about 20% more than my current salary. I have received pushback that they dont have the budget, and I basically tell them in polite coded workplace language that I understand, if they can’t afford someone as good as me that’s fine and good luck. A few times they have come back and said they want to proceed anyway. Most places will find the budget for someone they like enough.

I can only assume that Toronto’s free market loving landlord are praising the decrease because it is wrong for the government to interfere in the rental market.

When I took my current job I initially declined, politely citing compensation. The guy who hired me had to fight with HR about it, but they came up within a day.

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What do you guys think about essential workers negotiating raises? Story out there seems to be the same across the board. Nobody is getting raised and two haven’t even gotten their standard yearly raises.

Do they have leverage? Or does high unemployment plus benefits going away erase that?

I dont think they have leverage without collective action.


HH pls

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I agree and wonder if barriers to entry would factor in as well. As in a medical nurse might have more leverage right now than a sanitation worker. While both may deemed essential, some are more essential than others, pardoning the glib remark.

But without collective action, I don’t really see either worker accomplishing much.


Lol I don’t even remember the hand itself, just the aftermath. I think he called me down with like bottom pair no kicker vs like top two or an overpair, something like that. Bottom pair was involved.

One of my all time favorite hands involves dancing…

We used to play a 1/2/5 PLO game about 30 minutes West of OKC. It was the all time worst setup for a casino game you can imagine. They closed the poker room years prior to put more slot machines in. They moved 3 poker tables to the table game pit (in the middle of the casino floor. Smoking everywhere). And yet, this was one of the best games I’ve ever played in. There was a $500 cap, but I saw people get stuck 5K+ and win 10K+.

We are playing late one night when a 1/2 HE drooler comes over to try and run it up. Drooler gets involved in a pot with a PLO reg. The pot isn’t particularly big (maybe $500) and they get it all in on the turn. The river pairs the bottom card on the board, giving drooler an underfull. He fast rolls his 5s full of 10s over so fast and starts dancing and mocking the reg. “WHOOOOO. GOT MY NUTS ON THE TABLE. WHOOO!!!”. He’s gyrating his hips (he’s a large man) and clapping and mocking the reg. The reg is just sitting there with his cards still face down and covered with a chip. Eventually, the dancing and singing subside, and the reg turns over the overfull. I took off sprinting for the nearby bank of slot machines so I didn’t laugh in this poor drooler’s face.


I’ve seen some great ones. One of my all-time favorites was in a wild 5/T game with a button straddle. One whale opens to like $100, a maniac fish ships it for like $8,000, Hellmuth style. The chips end up in a pile.

First whale goes deep into the tank, and this man is not a thinker. He physically hunkers down, with a look of confusion and consternation. He asks for a count. He’s like $5K effective so we all promise him the guy has him covered, no count is necessary. We don’t want to be here all night while the dealer counts a pile of chips.

The guy who shipped it stands up and starts dancing and gyrating at him. The whale shows his neighbors his cards and shakes his head. Normally you’d think KK, but with this guy I’m thinking it’s like AQs or 88 or something.

The guy who shipped it then tables KK and says “You won’t call me!! You can’t!!”

Whale tables T2ss but keeps tanking. Regs are looking at each other like “WTF???”

A full minute passes and I call clock, “Sorry man, I rarely do this but since you can see his cards and you’ve had a minute since then… Clock.” He says no biggie, he appreciates it because he needs to decide.

The floor comes over, and try to imagine this from his perspective. He has no clue what has transpired and sees like $17 in the middle, $100 and $5,000 out in bets, KK and T2ss both tabled in front of the players.

“Uhh, run the board?”

The dealer is like no action is on Whaley McWhalerson over there, clock has been called. The floor blinks a few times and is like ok, whatever you have a minute and then your hand is dead.

We’re all like praying this guy just folds and gives his money to one of us. About 10 seconds in. “FUCK IT I CALL!”

He flops nada, is drawing dead on the turn, and the guy with KK is dancing and making donkey noises at him as he’s one to do. “Hee-haw! Hee-haw! Hee-haw! Snort!”

Whale, in a sad tone, “Oh man, I thought for sure I could flush him out. Kings never hold against suited cards.”

I stifle a laugh, and put on my most soothing, compassionate voice. “Nothing you can do there, man, some hands just play themselves.”

The whale nods in sad agreement.


Lock. The. Doors.


You should really get PLO going up there. Although I guess you don’t even need it if fish are donating 500bb with 15% equity.


Yeah there are some great PLO games but they just cut my hourly and edge, relatively speaking.



Have you sent your initial response to the rental company yet?

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Yeah, we’re meeting on Monday to discuss my offer.

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Looking forward to updates! Definitely interesting learning a lot about the negotiating process here.


Does this apply to dealing with auto insurance adjusters?