Individual Economics in the Age of COVID-19

What is “TPMM”? Very cool to get that recon, very uncool to learn landlord is confirmed idiotic. I say, let’s stay the course with sourcing other options and quotes. This scenario is where the calibrated questions may come in handy. I think we want to see if we can uncover whether this is truly their strategy or if they fucked up.

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This must be a magical pool.

It feels like everyone is overvaluing it and assigning like 500-1000/month value to it.


Apparently so. Legend has it that it’s actually filled with acid (dissolving not lysergic). High vacancy rate, coincidence? I think not!


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Turn pro, make millions. It’s a 2p2 thing from way back when. Was always a running joke:

  1. Do some stupid thing
  2. ???
  3. TPMM
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Yeah it’s a really nice pool but the value they’re assigning to it is outrageous. I mean, the fact that I can move a block away, STILL have access to it, and pay half as much for a similar unit is insane. Maybe if we weren’t in a pandemic and a recession they’d be able to get ~half of the increase they’re looking for, but tough shit.

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Do you think that none of the people moving out because the rent is too damn high tried to negotiate? (Is a larger management company less likely to negotiate?)

I am pessimistic about your chances. I would check if they charge a fee for giving insufficient notice before moving out and look at reviews to see if any tenant mentioned trying to haggle over rent.

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I’m guessing it was a mix. Chupacabre suggested to me that they might be having major cash flow issues, and some research shows me that it’s likely the case. They financed a $500M project nearby to build a massive new building, and I’m guessing the cash flow from all of their other properties is in the tank right now and they are struggling to keep up with the payments on the $500M.

Me too. I think there’s about a 90% chance I am moving in a couple months and maybe a 70% chance they are selling assets within 3-6 months because of how fucked they are.

I have to give notice by the end of July, basically. Good idea on checking reviews, there are complaints about high rent but nothing about haggling.


The fact that they are allowing access from outside the complex devalues the pool quite a bit imo.


So I emailed the state of Kentucky and they made the 10 bucks and the account that billed me go away supposedly. That being said I’m definitely right about having a relatively small S corp registered in KY not causing any income tax issues right? I’m paying all the fees and filing annual reports and stuff, I just don’t want to find out I owe 5% on all my dividends years down the road. I’m 99.99% certain I’m right, but this is one of those spots where you want certainty.

By the way it’s starting to dawn on me what a crazy powerful resource this thread could be for all of us. There are a LOT of expert level opinions on this site. Obviously nobody is providing legal advice by the legal definition of legal advice… but it’s a HUGE problem finding experts who aren’t just trying to juice you for hours.


I’ve got a meeting Monday to discuss my offer. I tweaked my e-mail a bit after doing some additional research and conferring with chupacabre and boredsocial, I took a bit more of an aggressive line and flat out told them I laughed at their offer when I saw it. They responded in under 90 minutes asking to set up a meeting.

Once it’s over I’ll post the full back and forth and more details.


Yeah this community is so incredibly intelligent and talented. Even in areas where we don’t have experts, putting even like five of our heads together is still getting you ~700 IQ points, all with an understanding of expected value that most don’t have, and a pretty good array of life experience.


I’ve been thinking about something along these lines for a while. I wonder what percentage of us feel like we are working on projects that will help society.

From what I read a lot of talent on this board is going towards things that don’t add value to society, myself included.

Edit: you talking about all the talent in this community made me think of this.


Suburbs are fine. This is just elitist bullshit.

So they think they have an advantage negotiating in person? I can’t see why they otherwise wouldn’t counter by email.

Perhaps easier to share with others?

They would negotiate differently I’m sure if no other person ever became aware of the negotiation.

But yeah most people are going to do worse in person because cutthroat business people are willing to abuse our desire to be amicable.

Lol elitist? Ok. Like you can spin that either way I guess.

Yeah I think they want to try to rattle me a little, scare me into thinking I have to leave if I don’t pay up, make me feel pressure. Maybe outnumber me.

I didn’t want to do it on the phone, if I’m giving up the time to think through each step I want to have my poker live read skills in the mix and be able to use my tone of voice.

At the end of the day here, I can’t lose. I’m not going to overpay, I’ve already come to terms with moving, I have firm price points lower than they can come in which are not bluffs, and I’m probably way more comfortable making quick decisions for thousands of dollars than they could possibly imagine.

This could be part of it, too. I’m sure if they give me a deal near what I offered, they won’t want me telling everyone about it. I think half the game for them right now is trying to maintain their prestige in marketing materials.

This is most of it, I’m sure. My plan is to lean back in my chair and smile if they’re pulling stunts like that, pause a few beats, then proceed strategically. I’ve sat in the hot seat for 3 minutes in the Main Event while a famous/elite opponent is tanking vs my bluff. This ain’t shit compared to that.

And if they think they’re going to tilt me, the jokes on them. I’ve had a guy river me in a $10,000 pot, stand up and start dancing and taking video of me.

These people can’t shake me lol… I’m kind of hoping they try. Like someone brought up the possibility of them bringing 3-4 people to intimidate me, but that would just make me laugh. You guys called in the A team for little ole me? Lol okay then.

The fact that they did not reject my offer and quickly scheduled a meeting means that I have a lot of leverage. Straight out of the book. When they don’t turn you down on an offer like that, you’ve got the edge.

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Yeah my bad. I’m in a foul mood and buzzed.

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I agree, but probably would have pushed to settle it over email. Especially since they want it in person. Unless you’re enjoying this. I did it for a living for a couple of years and just find it tedious now. But there was a time when I enjoyed it.

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It’s all good. I grew up in the suburbs, my whole family lives in the suburbs. When I grew up it was like there was nothing to do other than the generic stuff: mall, movies, pool, little league. Of course I also grew up with a lot of privilege as a middle class white kid.

But at any rate, I don’t like Denny’s I like a family owned neighborhood diner. I don’t like Olive Garden, I like this little Irish dive bar where an Italian immigrant who came over like 20 years ago when he fell in love with an American woman on vacation, so he started working for cash only and you have to get a separate check but it’s the best Italian food ever and laughably cheap. He could sell it for 4 times the price and I’d happily pay ii.

I can be bougie about things, I am a foodie and thus can be a snob about some food, and I can drop more money on some meals than maybe anyone should, although I know people who will drop 10x what I do on their version of good meals (you know, in a world with dine-in). But I also love street food, hole in the wall spots, places where the story and the history matter more than anything else.

You can’t get that full spectrum in the suburbs.