House and Senate Primary Elections

Starting a very necessary thread on primary challengers to incumbents.

For 2020, this is the big prize: Shahid Buttar trying to oust Nancy Pelosi.

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Please vote for him if you have it in you.

Yeah, I don’t know how viable the guy is, but a lot of people are saying that he’s a good challenger. She’s shot herself in the foot so many times since regaining power that I think this is going to be way different than 2018. Her body of work is poor here, and she’s not doing the real San Francisco liberals any favors with how she’s been acting in Congress. I hope she gets primaried. It’s a top 2 no matter what party for the general right?

The justice democrats need to back one of her opponents. That would move the ball along right quick. She’s more than earned some pressure from them with her behavior toward their people.

I think her performance speaks for itself. If San Francisco is good with her wishy washiness on what should be done with monster in the WH, she’ll get another term. If not, maybe not.

AOC was a generational talent, and unseating Pelosi in theory is the single hardest thing in modern politics. They’d need another generational talent who can connect with voters who feel Pelosi’s not doing good things for them. From the little I’ve read about her challenger, he seems like a good choice. The question is if there are even more people who can fill that type of void in that district. It won’t come from inside city politics because she’ll get them buried if they lose. You have to really not give a crap about your political ambitions to run against the elite in the party. It’s kind of the same reason why Feinstein keeps getting re-elected despite being nothing like the person she was when she entered Congress.

very important need. the righties have been doing this for a while now. The Dems, of course, are way behind the curve.

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