Homeowners association Karen

Just sent

Hi Karen. Just saw this message. We use the contectless delivery from uber because of the lockdown. If this goes against any building rules that weren’t in my original lease, please send these to my landlord and I will discuss with them. Btw. I am doing exams from home all this week, so may be a little slow to respond. Thanks. Rugby

Good advice here.

I ask for the rules and reframe the relationships as between her and my landlord and me and my landlord. And I keep an option of saying “lol no” even if there are rules.


Just remember not to actually call her Karen in the text message🤪


Her name is very close to Karen. I could probably get away with it as a mistake if I wanted to troll.


I think that’s good. The goal is to be able to continue doing what you want to do with as little drama as possible. Friction with neighbors can be a quick way for your daily life to go badly.

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“Dear Princess Busybody …”

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This is exactly why I joined my HOA when we bought to help ensure it didn’t turn into the horror stories you hear so often. Ours is very liaise fair.

As for being president, I can’t seem to join anything ever without ending up running it. It’s a serious disease. Lol.

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A response!

This strongly sounds like her personal rules and not formal HOA rules.


Dear Karen,

Since you noted that you always lock your door, I’m curious how a headless man walked into your apartment.

I ask because I don’t think I could handle yet another fright.

Yours always,


Haha. Yeah.

Uber drivers here are mostly international students. Which means polite, brown, and non threatening. One of the original signs had some story about a resident being “confronted” by an uber driver in a motorcycle helmet in the hallway and how scary that was…

And for additional context. My building is in one of the safest, quietest suburbs in Melbourne which is a very safe quiet city.

One break in in 15 years, a man once knocking on her door and someone falling asleep in the foyer is hardly a crime wave.


You should tell her that if she wants people to stop sleeping on the ottoman in the foyer, she needs to fix her “no sleeping on the ottamon” sign.


Maybe I should print my own “no sleeping on the ottoman” sign


Whilst these arguments are right. It concedes the ground that I need to discuss this at all with her.

I’ll wait for a few more responses
, but will probably go with.

“Sure Karen. Can you send these guidelines to my email address here. I am happy to discuss with my landlord.”

The problem revolves around the lift, you say?

I’ve lived in places like this for over 10 years now and have seen all kinds of crazy shit in addition to the as-described psychos on HOAs attempting to seize power. What she’s claiming happens at every building set up this way, these incidents are mild sauce, and I’ve witnessed all of them in the past year.

Doesn’t sound like any of those “ms-13” encounters were from delivery men so you are clear.

You could tell her you share her disdain for other tenants letting in uninvited people all wily nily. Let her know you would never do such a thing and only let people in whom you have invited, like the food delivery guy.

Also if you add a “ps. You’re insane” that would be great.

But you are right. I would not engage with her further. If she says anything again just tell her you do not let uninvited people in ever.

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Maybe I missed it but what about UPS/FedEx people, service professionals, high-priced escorts, etc.?

And why no bikes in the lift? Are pets allowed in the lift?

You guys are all way, way nicer than me. In this situation I’m ignoring the texts completely and carrying on as usual. If confronted in person I would literally act like the person was not there.


yeahh more I think about it this is the right approach. I can’t imagine a better thing to do if somehow she cornered you in person entering/leaving the building than to just walk past her like she doesn’t exist.

We had a lady (an heiress) with OCD take over the building by literally buying up enough condos to coalesce HOA voting power. An Ayn Rand-loving narcissist gave her a run for her money by buying up a ton of industrial square footage on the cheap that was technically part of the building but not livable. The HOA board was like a Who’s Who of the worst fucking people you’ll ever meet outside of real estate agents.