Regarding going down. I would definitely do this if it was easier on the uber driver. But it’s probably not. My building is super easy to navigate and find my place. They are normally in and out in 30 seconds.
Having them wait while I find my shoes and keys and put on pants would take as long or longer. And we would also have to interact rather than leaving it at the door.
Also, Mrs rugby is the main uber eats orderer. No way I take Karen’s side here. Not worth my life.
Hi Karen. Happy to discuss any building terms and conditions with my landlord. Send it through on my email please () so I can forward on. Thanks. Rugby.
Owners corporation rules are a formal document in my state. Means they need to be voted on, registered, and sent out. If these rules have been properly done then I’m probably out of luck, but I’m guessing it hasn’t.
Fuck this. You gotta be like David Thorne when responding to this shit.
Hi Karen:
Somebody on drugs? Geez, I’m sorry that you had to go through such a thing. As a dedicated renter who wishes nothing but the safest of accommodations for all who live here, I will be standing by the door to check the pupils of all those who enter. To be extra sure that no junkies enter these hallowed grounds, I will also reject all colored people in order to create the white utopia you desire.
Hi Karen:
Thanks for forwarding the Orange County Guidelines to me. I’m not a huge fan of the show or the county it’s located in. So, I don’t think these rules apply to me. However, I will be glad to expand my role as a volunteer security guard by checking the pupils of all undesirable bicycles at the door as well. Never fear, Karen. White bicycles will get a pass.
As an added bonus, actually do this for an hour or so and tell the tenants that she required you to do it due to a rash of drug addicts breaking into the premises.
Hi Rugby, these guidelines have been put together by the members of the Owner’s Committee for this building. We have had these rules for 17 years and they are often updated after being reviewed by the Committee. There are three apartment owners and one shop owner on the Committee. They are guidelines only but we work very hard to keep this apartment block in good condition and safe for owners and tenants. All four of us put in considerable time and effort to keep costs down. I can easily insert a date into the document. It was last updated about two months ago.
Yes. One reason that you need to push is your item 2 here. If you concede that her opinion about your behavior is valid, and that you are even willing to modify your behavior, she will look for more things that she doesn’t want you to do. If nothing else, making it a pain for her to get you to modify your behavior will discourage her from pestering you in the future.
If forced to engage, I completely dispense with the fake nice tone in these spots. They’re announcing themselves as intrusive jerks from the outset and there is zero reason to pretend otherwise. Of course its awkward, that’s what they are weaponizing!
One analogy would be eDems constantly negotiating in good faith with fascists. You need to recognize the game you’re in to identify a good strategy. Being nice to the busybodies is not a winning strategy.
I would suggest not going full dick mode until you’re out of options. I’m normally the first to turn a flamethrower on these people, but when you live literally next door to them and have to deal with them all the time things can get a little dicey.
During Hurricane Irma, I lost a section of fencing between my back yard and my neighbor’s. I don’t live in an HOA community because lol HOAs, but the neighbor texted me asking when I was gonna get the fence fixed. I ignored the text. Then he sent a bitchy screed a couple days later, lamenting how his wife spent “over an hour” chasing the family dog around the neighborhood because I had failed to fix the fence under his timeline. I then responded with a passive-aggressive screed of my own, reminding him that we don’t even know whose fence it is, his or mine, and I don’t own a dog OR a wife and I’m sure as fuck not responsible for his so idgaf if it ever gets fixed and if it’s super important to him to please shop at Lowe’s for the fencing materials because Home Depot is run by deplorables, etc.
Anyway he wound up fixing the fence but that was it for him and me and we didn’t speak for a long time after that, which wasn’t a big deal, but his kids and mine used to play together, and that ended too, and that was kind of a big deal because their kids were the only other ones in the area. So anyway just be careful because there can always be unintended consequences.
You take the GOP approach here. She wrote a sternly worded but ultimately toothless letter. You can keep on doing what you were doing with no consequences, because just like the edems, she probably doesn’t have the guts to push this further.