Home improvement



Our overhead light outside our front door blew during a recent storm, so I replaced it yesterday. Not a difficult process, done stuff like this before.

Dumb question, though: the ground wire in the ceiling - it’s a bare copper wire, so I assume it’s ground - is not attached to anything, just dangling there. I didn’t see any green screw or anything that seemed like an obvious place to attach it. House is old - almost 50 years. I installed the light anyway, white to white, black to black, etc. Is it ok that I didn’t attach the green ground wire from the light?

I did some googling and it seems like it’s ok, as lots of older houses don’t even have ground wires. This fixture is easy to remove, so I don’t mind going in there and connecting the ground if there is a proper way to do it.

nextdoor is a great for warnings about suspicious cars and people that drove/walked through the neighborhood.

in my experience, plumbers rarely are also doing remodels. they rarely even want to fix the damage they make getting to the leak.
