Home improvement

Nah, that’s way too fancy for the dump I live in. And honestly, the house is too small anyway. Only bathroom and kitchen are right above the heater.

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Welp, AC fan motor is out again. Good thing we had them order the replacement, but I’m not looking forward to the next couple days.

just curious, because I think ive seen more pinholes at the 1st 90 degree change of direction downstream from a recirc pump, than anywhere else.

When I had a plumber out last year for a couple things, he found that our water pressure was way too high. He said that could have been contributing to the pinhole leaks. He brought it back to a normal range, which made showers less exhilarating.

Also, any hot tips on dishwashers? Ours seems to be on the fritz as well.

They all seem to be cheap and flimsy now, even the expensive ones. I think appliances that last a generation or more is a thing of the past and you should shop accordingly. I just replaced one that was less than 10 years old and was supposed to be a good model, but the control board kept dying. I replaced the board three times, always with salvaged parts because they never bothered making new ones that didn’t have the same underlying problem that caused them all to die after a year or so. Nothing is meant to be fixable. Toss it in the landfill, buy another.


We’ve had two dishwashers at this house and the cheap one has now lasted about twice as long as the expensive one (about 10 v 5 yrs). It’s a lot louder though.

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I’ve got a Miele; it’s great. No complaints.


Well, ended up going with a Bosch 300 series dishwasher, which seemed pretty well regarded basically everywhere we looked. It’s operational now, but only about 90% truly installed. The old dishwasher had an electrical box in front with two splice nuts connecting the plus and minus wires from the wall and into the dishwasher, and then a bolt to the system for ground. This one had a cable with a custom plug that goes into the dishwasher and a standard 3 prong plug that goes into a wall outlet. It seemed civilized, and we had a plug under the sink to share with the garbage disposal, so we went with that. But after hooking it up, we realized the outlet there was only hot when the switch was on, which meant either the garbage disposal ran the whole time the dishwasher was going, or we’d have to unplug the garbage disposal when the dishwasher was going. Oops. MrsWookie did order few extra accessories for dishwasher installation when she ordered the thing, including a water line and mounting brackets that weren’t needed and that will have to be returend, but also an electrical kit to wire the naked wires from the wall into a plug for this dishwasher. So, that’s good, but by the time we realized we needed that, we were exhausted, and it was late. So, we have one more minor job to wrap the whole dishwasher saga up.

In better news, the AC fan motor came in a day early, and we’re back to comfortable temperatures. The guy who did the swap said the coolant looked good, so we’re optimistic that this should tide us over for a few more years before having to replace the whole thing.

Having a solar guy come up to pitch us solar panels

What questions should I ask and what things should I be looking out for?

Mostly listen. Feel free to PM me and if you want to email me any proposals I’ll be happy to look at them.



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Got a 40$ tip on a job, and the idea of Joy Wok is burning a hole in my pocket

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You’ll be hungry again in an hour.

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What’s the etiquette on tipping plumbers?

Every time I’ve had one, I feel so thoroughly violated by the cost, tipping doesn’t even occur to me. AITA for never tipping a plumber?

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No you do shouldn’t tip plumber, electrician pretty much any tradesmen that’s working on your house.


Thanks. Just checking.

You’re on an island or something right? Are you asking contractors from the mainland and they’re just giving you the “I don’t want to go to the island to work” price?

Yea pretty much. Its hard to even get someone to meet with me. All the prices I do get from people are 3x at least what they should be.