Holiday traditions, gift ideas, hot takes, and airing of grievances

Our tree, as long as giant mega enormo-cat lets us keep it

My palm in the front yard at night, I’m still tinkering with it. Palms are harder to deal with than I imagined


At least it didn’t turn out like this…


I can’t believe “A Moment Like This” didn’t exist before her. She made the song sound so timeless that I assumed she was covering a classic by Ella Fitzgerald or something.

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Okay. If I were a Trumpkin I wouldn’t count on visiting Salon and finding something uplifting. But fuck, I’d hope to be able to watch HGTV without being reminded of the black, socialist Muslim and his black, socialist Muslim wife!

Is anyone else noticing a pretty steep decline in Christmas decorations this year?

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Our neighborhood is pretty consistent, I think. One new feature this year: A house down the street has two signs in the front yard saying “Christmas is not cancelled”

So I think it’s official that Christmas isn’t cancelled this year.

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Assuming you’re not just changing light bulbs it’s a legit brag. Don’t get shocked, don’t fall of the ladder and make good electrical connections.

Eta: nvm, pretty much just changing bulbs. Nice cabinets!

My Christmas is officially canceled. Kinda floated the idea of me driving up to visit my brother but that got shot down pretty hard. Definitely not flying to visit my sister or my dad. Sad!

Unless buying a handle of Macallan 12 and some new whisky glasses counts as Christmas.

Which, it does!

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Starting with my first Christmas, my parents purchased an ornament shaped like a silver bell that had the year engraved on it. I always thought it was a bit silly to go through the motions of unwrapping the bell every year when I always knew what was coming
… But it was pretty cool to see all of those bells hanging from my own tree the first year that I actually had my act together enough to put up a tree in my own place.

[It’s also funny/a little bittersweet to track the font size on the bells. The store where they get them is a small Mom and Pop operation that does all of the engraving in house, so the script has gotten progressively larger as “Pop” has gotten older]


This is something I can totally relate to. My mom just gave me a box of old ornaments from my childhood. Some that I made, some that I bought (bulls championship ornaments anyone lol?) but they still brought a few tears to my eyes.


“The penis lights kept her from harm,” said Mary Newman, Shanker’s friend. “It was a Christmas miracle.”

“Had we not been out looking for the Cape Penis house who knows what kinds of injuries myself and friends could have sustained,” Shanker said.

“Now, knowing that it could have saved our lives I’m more determined than ever to see the penis house relit.”


Maybe my favorite part of Christmas, going back to when I was a kid. Baking and eating loaves and loaves of cranberry raisin bread.

So good.


Here is my favorite part: delivering for that person on your list who only wants one thing that is impossible to get.

PlayStation 5 Console

Scheduled delivery: Thursday 12/24/2020 by end of day

Thing is I’m expected to always have the goods because I always have the goods. I bricked about the first dozen announced PS5 drops and things were looking pretty grim.


Got my brother this

and this


And my sister some good whetstones because she always complains how her expensive knives are dull. Also bought her this


and this


A carbon steel (not stainless) 8 inch cooks knife and carbon steel cleaver. They’re 25 bucks each, and carbon steel is way easier to sharpen than stainless. So good knives to learn how to sharpen. And you can get them very, very sharp, which is a lot harder with stainless steel knives.


Last year I got my brother and sister identical gifts. Seven quart enameled dutch oven

and this cookbook


They’ve both mentioned how they like it, and my brother sent me this picture detailing how much use they’ve gotten out of it.

Pretty sure that’d be pretty easy to clean but whatever. Glad he uses it.

I also bought my sister this ice cream maker and she’s never mentioned it and if I have to guess she’s never used it. I like mine!

I really do want to get good gifts for my family but I never have any idea what to get so I always wait last minute and now there’s a pandemic