Holiday traditions, gift ideas, hot takes, and airing of grievances

Sure thing just pm me your address.

Best Christmas move, and as a bonus, best Halloween movie Nightmare Before Christmas

I love the idea that this little kid will grow up with the legend of evil Louis DeJoy, the man who ruined Elf on the Shelf


Hey this guy is being reasonable and friendly. Seems suspicious!!!

I think the best Halloween and strangely best Christmas movies are Scream, Scream 2, and Scream 4.

Scream 3 is an abomination.

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And learn very early how to call her member of Congress. JonnyA would obviously need to put this video on Twitter, so we could all enjoy a viral video of a girl very sternly telling some staffer that the Elf said Louis DeJoy was delaying their daily letters and this was unacceptable. The reaction would be great.

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I see no pm, no gifts for you!

You were getting coal wrapped in printed out Vince memes about trying to steal other people’s gifts and getting coal instead.

So exactly what I’ve asked for since I was twenty-six

I tried moving the elf out of the crawl space, but she has the “magic gloves” that allow you to touch your elf, so she just moved the elf back in the morning.

The mailbox is a good idea, as she won’t show me the letters as they are her private messages for the elf (she labels each envelope PRIVATE).


My first thought was what kind of plant does meat grow on? This is not a joke.


I too have thoughts from time to time

It bothers me when they just pop in like that.

I don’t have a favorite Christmas song but I like The Waitresses’ Christmas Wrapping, Otis Redding’s version of White Christmas, John Lennon’s So this is Christmas, and Queen’s Thank God it’s Christmas.

I also think Love Actually is problematic. But love stories generally are. I’ve read enough Jane Austen to know that much. If no one beats me to it, someday I’ll drink enough to put up a thread about love. Tentative (yes, stolen) title: Love & Hope & Sex & Dreams. I look forward to all of your very mature takes.

Movies, I’m partial to It’s a Wonderful Life, The Bishop’s Wife, the version with Cary Grant, and A Christmas Carol, the 1951 version. Gtfo with Star Wars. Die Hard is acceptable, however.

With occasional exceptions, I don’t really do gifting anymore.

This isn’t strictly a response to Risky obviously.


Just generally

Thanks for sharing a troubling thought.


wrt eggnog, I might have posted this already but: I’ve been tweaking the below for years, it’s getting pretty solid. Over the years I’ve been slowly reducing the sugar (and it could probably be reduced even more, but people seem to like it this sweet). The problem is that everyone always whines about how this was going to end in death by salmonella so I was forced to name it


(makes half-gallon)
6 eggs
200g superfine white sugar
25g light brown sugar
dashes of cinnamon
fewer dashes of nutmeg
even fewer dashes of salt
4oz bourbon (W.L.Weller Special Reserve 90-proof wheated bourbon)
4oz brandy (E&J VSOP Brandy)
2oz benedictine
18oz whole milk
12oz heavy whipping cream

–blend the (whole) eggs slowly in blender
–slowly add the above in above order
–don’t blend too aggressively or the cream will start whipping
–in a perfect world serve in chilled glass with freshly-grated nutmeg to garnish (use microplane)
–many bourbons and brandies can work but these two were the best combo after a zillion candidates, bonus is they happened to be cheapo brands too
–dark horse alcohol combo if you’re feeling crazy would be 5-6oz of anjeo tequilla and 5-6oz of a nuttier amontillado.
–classic combo would be 5-6oz of spiced rum and 5-6oz of brandy
–refrigerate, agitate every week or so, don’t worry about spices that settle at the bottom
–shake before serving to remix/froth (I store each batch in two 1-quart mason jars and shake in jar)
–it’s noticeably better after three days and peaking at three weeks
–supposedly it keeps and improves for a whole year…
–but I’m not vouching for that. I recently tried a batch of ten-month and it was funky, hostile, sentient…I didn’t get sick but it was not refreshing
–note: this style of egg nog is way lighter than the processed goop we’re used to buying at the grocery store. Apparently this was the style >150 years ago when these styles of drinks (flips, essentially) were popular and people would ride to each other’s farmsteads on corny bicycles to drink whatever Archibald and Zachariah had been aging in their cellar since last season’s turnip harvest. But if you ignored my warning and blended it too fast in a fancy vitamix then you’ll be drinking literally scrambled eggs and it will be somewhat thicker



Dang that’s a lot of dedication to eggnog. I made rice pudding for the first time last week and I was proud of myself.

Here’s something for you gift givers.


I am the literal worst at wrapping presents. Gift bags are my best friend.

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Sir it’s 2020, I’m not drinking unpasteurized raw eggs. Maybe next year.

Our holiday traditions:

This year would have been out 12th annual Hanukkah Latke party. It’s grown over the years and a few years back we took all of the parking in my neighborhood plus the parking in our 2 neighboring 'hoods. Think we had about 80 people that year, and I think I made about 250 latkes.

I surprised my wife and daughter with afternoon tea at the Empress in Victoria last summer, and now my wife has incorporated afternoon tea on Christmas Eve. My wife makes and gets a bunch of treats, and I ordered the same tea we had at the Empress from Fairmont. This was the spread last year:

Friends and I had a tradition of eating Indian food for Christmas Eve dinner from 1996-2001. I’ve continued it since then.

We see a movie Christmas afternoon in normal years. Guess we’ll watch one at home this year.

I hate getting gifts but my wife insists, so I’ll put on my happy face and open gifts that I probably don’t need. My wife makes my life easy though and puts together an Amazon list of shit she wants so I just buy from that.

We also moved to a prelit artificial tree a few years back after the real tree we bought died in about a week and dropped most of it’s needles. Artificial tree is way, way better.

For both Thanksgiving and Christmas I usually get a ham from here:

We ordered one of their smoked turkey breasts for Thanksgiving as well this year and it was excellent. Highly recommend both!

Christmas Wrapping is the bext xmas song, and likey will be forever.

JFC I’m really sad we won’t have a latke party, People are sending me emails and messages about how much they’re going to miss it. I’m still going to make latkes and do doorstep delivery this year for a select few.

Merry fucking xmas!