History Of The World From A Gambler’s Perspective: A Scholarly Discussion

Just an update, when it comes to History of the World From a Gambler’s Perspective, we’re now on the first page on Google results twice… 6th and 7th.

So it’s good to know that people who want an unbiased review of History of the World From a Gambler’s Perspective can get it here. If people want to buy History of the World From a Gambler’s Perspective, they can read some excerpts of History of the World From a Gambler’s Perspective here, and then decide whether the book is worth their money.

Is History of the World From a Gambler’s Perspective a good book? I would say no, it is not. But at least you can get an unbiased review of History of the World From a Gambler’s Perspective here.

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Good God. I have never heard him talk. I almost feel bad for making fun of him now. Had to quit before he finished the Thomas Jefferson owning slaves/abortion analogy because I couldn’t take it anymore.

You only need to watch the first 10 seconds when Mason answers “Well, I’m fine,” like how are you doing is the stupidest thing he’s ever heard.

Weird Dick Cheney vibes on this dude. Republicans suck.

This is insane. First thing he throws out there is “here’s a new way can think about abortion! Think about it! Black things were once just things but now they’re people! And then American Indians, I guess we call these things Native Americans now, well even these things are people! Now the only category left is unborn babies!”

I hope NBZ shows up soon to watch this, I’m five more seconds from burning down my own house.


I’m a poker player… Maybe I should try.


Do it. Seriously.

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I wonder what metric Matusow is using to consider himself “well educated?” Did he even graduate high school?


He does get kinda close with we should have body camera footage for everyone and have it uploaded to somewhere not the police, but then completely misses on why the fuck that won’t happen, gee mike maybe ask the police if they’re good with that?

Edit: like if that’s all the cops need to do to destroy this false narrative why haven’t they done it? Gee that’s a tough one

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So if I understand this correctly, the Mouth thinks that cops will gladly stream body cams to the cloud but the dirty libs won’t let them because it will show the truth? And he’s claiming it’s other people who are ignorant? Standard for that moron.


I have been trying for weeks to figure out who he reminds me of and dick cheney is absolutely perfect.

Btw, i’m never finishing this. Who am I supposed to send it to?

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MM is so deplorable that he would take that as a compliment.

I’m not really one to speak ill of people who have lost a parent but i’d bet my life roll his dad didn’t say that.

goofy, I worry about the toll this is taking on your mental health, but I appreciate the commitment.


Anyone know Mikey’s phone number? lol…

I’m down to do it if I can get in touch. I suppose I can just tweet at him.

In case anyone’s interested, Matusow is now incorporating Mason’s expert gambling advice live.


This is a surprisingly fair and self-aware answer.

Idk anything about Matusow but the conceitedness and outlandish brags are so clearly influenced by Trumps performances.

I can’t watch it right now but is this a recent video? Jumping on the bandwagon when you see the cliff edge getting nearer would be quite something.

The Art Of The Deal = walking away instead of overpaying

That’s real genius for you. I bet the thousands of tourists visiting bazaars in Turkey each year never consider doing that.


I don’t know if I can sit through a two-hour podcast.

I read this in Trump’s voice and it fit perfectly.

The more similar people are to Trump, the more they like him.